Liar liar

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He didn't make her the potion. He couldn't think about anything other than what Sirius had told him. There was no way Emory had been hooking up with Darren McLaggen at of all the people in the universe.

He shouldn't have, but he followed her. He needed to know for himself, deep down he still trusted every word that Sirius said, this was just to see with his own eyes.

She sat on the quidditch benches, it was late at night and Regulus knew she would never speak to him again if she knew he had followed her.

When no one came he figured Sirius was just messing with his head.

"Sorry for being late, you know this two minute ride takes forever to get ready" god that was Darren's voice.

She laughed "I'm sorry okay, come here" she kissed him. Very passionately. His hands clawed onto her hips like a cross.

Regulus couldn't believe his eyes. They hated each other. They fought almost every day , now they're touching each other and laughing?

"I brought you your favorite" he sat down and pulled out a box of what looked like to be chocolate brownies.

She sat down next to him and smiled. She never smiled at him like that, well maybe once. "Oh Darren now I feel bad for what I said"

He chuckled "no you don't"

She took a bite "yeah you're right"

He just stared at her and smiled. His eyes were full of love, regulus didn't know how someone could get so lucky.

"So what we're you and Black passing notes about?" He asked. Regulus almost choked hearing his name.

"Nothing really, why? are you jealous?" She smiled. Apparently she had a sense of humor when it came to Darren.

"You never told me why you stopped talking to Rosier"

She stopped eating "full of questions today"

He held her hand and kissed it "come on baby"

"I was in the restroom with Regulus and he almost kicked down the door, started acting like my dad, Violet was there too, I just told him to leave me alone"

Darren's face changed "what were you guys doing alone in there?"

"You sound just like him"

He wasn't amused.

"It was nothing"

That hurt Regulus's feelings.

"Emory you like him don't you?" He asked. Regulus wanted to know the answer. Did she feel the same?

"Do you remember how we even started? You were always so mean to me and one day I finally asked you why, you didn't want to answer and I started pushing you, demanding you tell me what I did to make you hate me so much, do you remember what you told me?"

He nodded "I said it was because I like you so much that I couldn't have a single morning nor night without thinking about you"

She kissed his cheek "we've been through so much, I mean hell we were broken up for months last year"

He pulled her closer "I made a couple mistakes and done things I'm not proud of"

"We both have"

Regulus didn't know why he was still there. His worst fears had been confirmed. They were together. Darren seemed like a completely different person around her.

"If these were different times I would've had you as my wife"

She laughed "I'm a death eater, you're going to go off a marry some nice girl, she'll give you children"

He shook his head "you're not one of them because you want to be, you know that"

She laid in his arms completely "if he was gone, if the war was over I doubt that'll change anything, your parents would never approve and neither would mine"

It felt wrong that Regulus was there. This was an intimate conversation.

"If he loses Emory the first thing I'm going to do is marry you"

She laughed again "I don't think he will lose, he's too powerful"

He gently rubbed her cheek "so positive Emory, besides they'll probably make you marry one of them, if you had to pick Rosier or Black?"

"I'm not answering that"

He kissed her lips "come on it's all in good fun"

She sat up "probably Regulus, he's kind he wouldn't force me to do anything, if we had to marry each other he'd treat it as a friendship, I think Evan would want children right away, he'd want to make his parents proud"

"Yeah well Evans a pussy"

She pushed him "oh you leave him alone"

"So Regulus huh, should I be worried? Should I challenge him to a duel tomorrow? Over your hand in marriage"

She laughed and started kissing him "you, you, you, always you Darren"

"They're all richer than me, their names have so much value, so does yours"

She grabbed his face "you know how much I wished none of that mattered"

"I know, that's why we could never be together, in a real way" he sounded sad, regulus did feel bad, he was also quite happy that Emory would marry him rather than Evan.

"Isn't this in a real way?" She asked

"No, I want to be able to go out on dates, I want to be nervous meeting your parents, I want to have to pretend to like your friends that are obviously in love with you, meeting up in the middle of the night isn't real"

"Im always going to be a Flawley, I know how badly you wish I wasn't, but I am, this is all we get, if it's not enough for you anymore I don't know what else you want from me"

He kissed her "I'm joining the order once I graduate"

She sighed "I'm getting married once I graduate"

"Am I invited?"

She playfully pushed him "they'd hunt you down"

"It'll be worth it, seeing you all pretty in a white dress"

Regulus left once they started kissing passionately and undoing each others pants.

He cried all night. He didn't know why but all he wanted to do was cry. He felt bad for Emory. He also felt betrayed.

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