Post break

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Regulus spent his break alone so he was excited to go back to school.

He sat down, Theo and Barty were already sitting down.

"Looking grey mate, you alright?" Theo asked.

"I'm fine" he sat down, he really just hated being home. He hated going to meetings and trying to get close to the dark lord was exhausting.

Emory walked in. She looked the same, her hair was back to its original color now. She hugged Regulus first "I missed you so much"

He didn't say anything back, he just smiled. He knew no one in his life had ever missed him.

She sat down next to him "can I ask you boys a question but you can never repeat it?"

They all nodded.

"Evan won't have sex with me, why?"

Barty and Theo burst out laughing "there's just no way Emory, are we talking about the same Evan Rosier?"

She kicked them playfully "I'm not kidding, he just won't do it, we get super close and he always stops"

Regulus couldn't believe it either. Evan could not keep it in his pants.

"That's just so unlike Evan I mean he's been with countless girls" Theo said. He realized very quickly he had said the wrong thing.

Speaking of the devil. Evan walked in and to Regulus's surprise he planted a kiss on Emory's lips and sat down next to her.

All the girls that walked by had comments to make. Especially Violet.

"I need some space" she stood up and walked out. She didn't like hearing all the comments made about Evan or her for that matter.

Barty tapped Evans foot "so why won't you shag her?"

Evan turned bright red "she told you guys?"

"No" Regulus said at the same time Theo said yes.

He groaned "she's not my girlfriend, yet"

"That has never once stopped you before, hell you've slept with boy's girlfriends" Theo argued.

Regulus wanted to tell him he was missing out on a world class pussy but he knew that would open a can of worms.

"With Emory it's different, I want to be different, I want it to be special"

Regulus chuckled a bit "never thought I'd live to see the day Evan Rosier stopped being a dog for a women"

Evan pushed him and laughed. Regulus didn't know how he could see the way the girls treated Emory and act totally cool about it.

Before Emory came back Violet came and sat down next to Evan, she had no self respect and that disgusted Regulus.

"Can I talk to you Evan, privately?"

Evan wouldn't even look her way "there's nothing we need to talk about so no" he snapped.

Emory had turned Evan into the most loyal man alive, his eyes wouldn't even glance at an other women. He felt it was a waste of time talking to any girl that wasn't her.

Emory walked past and was stunned to see Violet in her spot, she frowned slightly and walked away.

Evan got up right away "get out Violet you've upset her"

She scoffed and indeed did not get up. She had no idea she was providing so much entertainment to his friends. Regulus, Theo and Barty exchanged smiles and we're all trying to hold their laughter in.

They argued in front of them for about two hours.

Even at dinner Regulus could see Violets eyes on Evan. Evan of course had his eyes on Emory. She had been ignoring him now.

The days to follow Regulus would see all the gifts sent to her. So many flowers, then chocolates, sweaters and shoes followed. By the end of the second week he was sending gold and diamonds.

"How can you ignore him so easily?" Regulus asked while she hung out with him in the library.

She smiled and pointed at the gold chain around her neck with a emerald dangling in between her collarbones.

"I told him if I felt like I needed to compete with another girl for him I couldn't be with him, I hate how Violet and many other girls walk around feeling like they have some claim over him."

Regulus understood, he would hate it if when he married Emory Evan still felt like he had her. He was being delusional now.

"I mean is ignoring him for weeks helping other girls take you seriously when it comes to him?"

He saw something click.

And well maybe that was the speech to give right before the first party of the spring term.

He wasn't planning on going. She barged into his room.

Regulus did not want to be alone with her while she was dressed like that. She was wearing a black mini skirt, he swore those skirts just kept getting short and shorter. She was also wearing a black tube top that barely covered her. She wore a little more makeup than usual, black eyeliner, she looked hot and he hated admitting that.

"Come on" she pulled him up. Her heels made her so tall and she smelt like strawberries.

"Only because you asked pretty girl"

He saw her blush.

He stood still so tall looking over her. He placed his hand on her hip.

"Regulus you know I can't" she placed her hand on his chest.

"You're going to marry him?"

She finally made eye contact with him "I think so"

He exhaled "I don't want you too"

"And why is that?" She asked.

He moved his hands up and held her face "you know why"

She stepped out of his reach "I can't be here alone with you, I respect Evan, and that respect is dangling on the thinnest thread whenever I am near you."

He saw her try to shake it off "Come enjoy the party"

"I want you Emory, more than I have wanted anything, we will always be friends, I just can't be friends with you right now"

She already seemed frustrated "why? Because of Evan?"

He nodded "I need space. You're just my best mate's girlfriend. I've always seen you as my endgame but that's a false reality. You have Evan and well I have my engagement"

Pain was written all over her face "fuck you, im a person you know, aside from being someone you want to put your dick inside of"

She left. Regulus regretted every single word he had said.

His mark started bleeding and well he was now in the mood to party.

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