something borrowed, something new...

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Emory spent all her days in her childhood home. Her sister would come over, she was still early in her pregnancy, Emory could never imagine herself with children.

She knew she wouldn't give birth to a child she would give birth to all her pain. Could she love her pain? She knew she couldn't, she would hate that child.

She didn't talk to anyone. She was very careful with what information she gave the order. She knew one wrong move and she would get killed knowing all that she knew. That would be such a waste.

Besides Regulus's wedding was that weekend. She didn't want to go, she hadn't seen him since that day on the train. But she promised him she would go.

She put on a dress that her mother chose for her.

"Such an important day for your friend"

Her mother helped her tie her dress.

"Very important"

Her mother inspected her final look. Everything had be to her standards. Her mother had always been obsessed with what everyone thought of them.

"You look absolutely perfect" she smiled. That didn't make Emory feel any better.

When she arrived to the venue she grabbed the nearest glass of champagne. It all looked very elegant and plain. Everyone there was a pureblood and from death eater families. Still she felt out of place.

She stayed alone. She just kept bracing herself.

"Emory Flawley"

She knew who it was. She would still unfortunately know him blind. "Hi Evan" she turned around. He looked handsome, still, in his suit and tie.

"Oh Emory how cruel of you to still get more beautiful every time I see you" he hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Well Evan Rosier you still know all the right things to say" she didn't stare at him for too long, he was different, in a way that he was dark and now one of the highest ranking death eaters.

"You here alone?" He asked.

She nodded, she didn't know him anymore, not the new him anyways.

"Me too, Theo and Barty are here, want to come say hello?"

She shook her head and finished her drink "I'm okay, I think I'll take my seat, the ceremony is starting soon"

He tried not to seem down "today hard for you?"

She knew he could see right through her "It's my best friends wedding, I am very happy for him"

"Try saying it about five times and then maybe it'll look believable" he flashed her a smile.

"I can't wait till all that dark magic turns you ugly, you're still handsome as ever" she walked away from him.

She would never forget seeing him standing at the end of that isle. He didn't smile. His eyes seemed lifeless, he was thinner and well he looked grey.

When the woman came out she didn't look at her once, she didn't want to see how the woman looked or what she sounded like.

Everyone there could tell it was a forced marriage. There was no love. There was no emotion. Even their kiss solidifying the marriage was quick and Emory couldn't tell if they actually kissed or not.

When she approached him after he smiled. "I never doubted once if you'd come" he hugged her tightly. She hugged him back remembering what it was like to be with him.

"Very nice wedding"

He blushed "thanks pretty girl"

She knew she had to stop it right there, she was now talking to a married man "I think I'm going to dance, you have fun alright?"

He nodded looking a bit down "I'm sure everyone here is trying to introduce their sons to you"

She chuckled "their all terrible company, old and boring"

"We'll always be fun and interesting"

She nodded and left. Man how she still loved him. She knew she would always love him.

She sat with her parents as they watched everyone dance. All couples looked like different lifeless loveless versions of themselves.

"Callum if you'd allow me, could I have a dance with your daughter?"

Emory knew who was asking. The only person her age above her fathers rank to call him by his first name.

"Emory go dance with Mr. Rosier" he demanded.

She wasn't in the mood to fight or dance. She just wanted to stare at Regulus from afar.

She stood up and grabbed his hand.

"Are you having fun?" Evan asked her as they swayed back and forth.

"Oh I'm having a blast, can't you tell?"

He laughed spinning her around "you've completely disappeared since we graduated"

"Yeah I guess i have"


"I dont really want to spend my time with a bunch of death eaters if I can be honest with you" she kind of snapped.

"Is that all you see me as?" He asked. She knew his feelings were hurt.

"Isn't that what you've always wanted to be? A high ranking death eater? Now you are why do you care so much about what I am doing?"

He stepped away from her "forget about it" he stormed off. She did feel bad but not bad enough to start hanging out with him.

She was probably the first one at the wedding to leave. She shook Regulus's hand. "Congratulations, again"

"Can we meet up for tea soon?" He asked. He was practically begging to see her again.

"I cant I'm sorry, have fun tonight" she quickly aparated before he could stop her.

She was in her heels still and that stupid fancy dress crying as she ran up the stairs. Her make up was running and she didn't care that she was ruining her dress.

She started throwing things around her room. She was so angry at everything. Angry that she couldn't be with the man she loved. Why her? Why did she have to be born into that family?

She knew she was ready to die because she couldn't stand any of the pain that her mark always put her through.

She cried drinking about half a bottle of firewhiskey on the bathroom floor.

Oh how she loved Regulus Black and oh how much it hurt.

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