Malfoy manor

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All of Silas's friends all said goodnight once they reached his manor.

He showed Emory to his master bedroom.

"I'll fix your face" he sat her down on the restroom countertop. Her face was still dripping blood mixed with tears and he could tell her eye was starting to bruise.

"Something wrong with my face?" She didn't even smile as she joked.

He grabbed her chin and started cleaning her "I'm sorry for kissing you by the way, I get into these pissing contest, it's childish"

She shrugged "might be hard to believe but I'm used to it"

He met her eyes "Yeah Rosiers cut from the same cloth I am"

She winced with pain as he put her nose back into place.

"You really done with him?" He asked as he now worked on the cut on her lip.

She nodded "I don't want to be part of this world anymore. I never even wanted to be a death eater"

He laughed slightly "oh and you think marrying a soon to be high ranking death eater was going to free you from all of this?"

She frowned "i was with Evan because I loved him."

He examined her face as he was done "love is stupid, but Evan could've saved you from a lot"

She stood up "what could he have saved me from that I couldn't have saved myself from?"

He sat on the counter now as she fixed his face now, which was much much worse. "Well you think the dark lord is going to let a women that comes from a bloodline that produces heirs not marry? For fucks sake your sister gave that Avery bloke four sons"

She wiped the blood off of his face "you really serious about wanting that heir Malfoy?"

He laughed again "you don't mean it, you seem like a girl that'll marry for love and well I am a man of duty"

She mocked him "ouch just say you don't like me so far"

He smiled "oh please I would get down on one knee right now if your boyfriend didn't shatter my leg"

She rolled her eyes "ex boyfriend"

"How long we're you two together?" He asked

"Longer than a year" she answered. She didn't know why she was being so open, she barely met the man. But all purebloods shared this sense of loyalty.

"What's this Piper thing that was brought up"

She didn't want to think about that at all. "Some muggleborn came all beat and damaged, she claimed she wasn't paying attention and the Whomping Willow hurt her, turned out it was Evan"

He shrugged "She was a mudblood doesn't seem like he did any real harm"

She shot her eyes at him and finished up healing every bone in his very perfect face. "I hate pureblood men so much"

He laughed "I'm not going to try to sleep with you, tonight, but do you want to sleep in my bed, it's been awhile since I've slept close to anyone"

He seemed very nervous for her answer "okay, I don't want to be alone tonight either"

He smiled "I'll give you some clothes that aren't full of blood"

He handed her a white shirt and some plaid pajama pants.

He let her change in his room while he changed in the restroom. She wanted to cry herself to sleep. On the first day everything was ruined. Absolutely everything.

"You can come in im decent" she called out and he opened the door.

She laid on her side and he laid facing the opposite way.

"Do you usually get drunk and start kissing girls with boyfriends?" She asked.

"Just because you were Rosiers girlfriend, any other girl I would've made them wait much longer before they were blessed by a kiss from me"

She kicked him "what's this obsession you have with Evan?"

"He's everything I wished I could've been at his age, at 17 I could've never killed or dueled anyone. Now I can kill with ease but Evan never struggled with it, he can murder an entire family then go out to eat. The dark lord loves that about him"

She hated every word he had said. That was the man she had dated for so long. He was a monster. They all were.

"Can you hold me please?" She asked. She didn't want to be cold anymore.

He wrapped his arms around her spooning her gently. "Sharing a bed with a women on the first night I meet her isn't really Malfoy standards" he joked.

She grabbed his arm and scooted closer to him "have you ever gotten your heart broken?"

He laughed "promise never to tell a soul?"

"I Can share a secret after just to make it fair"

He nodded "I used to really love this girl, all my years at Hogwarts I tried to stop. I dated her for awhile."

"Where is she now?"

He stayed quiet for awhile "she's dead, she was a muggleborn, my brother Lucius found out because his now wife is very nosey and well he killed her"

"A muggleborn? Really?"

He tightened his grip "love makes you stupid and well she paid the price, I should've just loved her from afar"

"I'm sorry" she said softly.

"It's okay it was years ago, your turn and it better be as good as a Malfoy loving a mudblood"

She turned to face him "well I've been in love with Regulus Black all my years at Hogwarts too"

"No bloody way?" He looked shocked.

"Yeah hes kinda my best friend, well I guess used to be my friend and I love him more than I've loved anyone, it's like he turns off all the bad inside of me"

"He's a complicated lad, I have a feeling the dark lord will kill him one day"

She frowned "he's soft. He's beautiful"

"The dark lord hardens all that is soft and ruins all that is beautiful"

She closed her eyes "well I will always love him, it's lonely"

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