the days of harry potter.

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Harry and his friends knew how risky they were being. But it had been months and they had made no progress with the horcruxes.

Harry remembered seeing Slughorns pictures of past students.

"That picture there haunts me at night"

Harry examined the picture he had recognized Regulus Black for he looked just like his godfather.

"Is that Theodore Notts father?" They looked so much alike. A literal copy and paste.

"That's Theodore Nott senior" Harry noticed Slughorn was flinching the more he looked into the picture.

"That there is the man who tried to kill you a couple years ago" he pointed to the boy at the end.

"Barty Crouch"

"Junior" Slughorn added.

It terrified Harry how much they looked like humans. Not those names he saw on newspapers or on wanted posters. They looked like children.

"Who is she?" He pointed to the only women in the picture. She looked familiar in some way.

"Emory Flawley, she's a Rosier now, married that lad right next to her"

Harry looked at the picture and noticed them holding hands.

"Why does this picture haunt you?" He asked.

"They went on to do horrible things. Well Regulus died young and Emory just slipped into that role many pureblood women do. She became a mother" he paused "but the others turned into monsters im ashamed of teaching"

Harry now knew that this was a long shot and could get all of them killed.

He also knew Sirius had told him Emory Flawley had once been loyal to the order. She could help them. Sirius tried reaching out once the order formed again but never heard anything back.

"She's a baby making machine now, she used to be so in love with my brother, poor girl"

Harry knew if he showed her the locket, the real locket she could maybe helped them.

Hermione was able to detect what room she was in and they snook in placing all kinds of protective charms.

She was sitting down drinking tea.

"Very dangerous for you to show up here" she knew who they were of course.

He stepped forward "you knew my godfather, Sirius"

She nodded. "If my husband finds you here he'll turn you over in an instant"

Hermione stepped in "we were hoping you could tell us about Regulus Black"

Her face dropped "he's dead if you're looking for him, he's been dead"

Ron handed her the locket. She morphed into a different person reading the folded letter. "Oh god he knew about them" she started crying "he should've told me"

None of the three were expecting her to start crying.

"He always thought he knew everything"

Harry stepped closer he needed answers he couldn't console someone he didn't know "could you help us"

She looked down at her arm "you know my sons tell me about you three all the time"

Ron wanted to laugh "your sons are not the nicest, such pureblood supremacist"

She nodded looking disappointed "I just gave birth to them, I let Evan raise them the way he saw fit"

"You have five sons you must want this war to end, for them" Hermione tried bargaining even though all of the Rosier boys made her life a living hell.

"My youngest is fifteen and he has his mark, you don't think I know who they are, Evan is really proud of them all, they're just like he was, they've all killed I know"

Harry thought it was all a lost cause.

"I will help you Mr. Potter under one condition" she turned to face him, she was very tall it intimidated him.

"Can you really help us?" He wasn't going to make a deal with some death eater.

"The first time you defeated the dark lord all unbreakable promises were broken, I can tell you the location of two more horcruxes, under one condition"

He agreed. He needed information. He needed to stop him. "What is it?"

"My family doesn't serve any time, my boys and my husband get full immunity once you win"

He didn't know what to do. That family alone had been responsible for so many deaths and destruction.

Hermione gave him a look that read we have no other choice.

They shook hands and she held up her side of the deal and told him where he could find the diadem and the cup.

As they walked through the forrest Hermione couldn't get the image of Emory Flawley out of her mind.

"Do you think she ever had dreams?" She asked the boys.

"Women like that only have one dream and that is to marry another pureblood and hopefully give him an heir" Ron answered he always knew more about their world.

Hermione wasn't convinced "she was top of her class with Sirius's brother, why would she try so hard if all she wanted was marriage"

Ron shrugged "Mum says a lot of those death eater blokes were handsome back in the day, you saw the picture was Rosier handsome back then?"

Harry wanted to laugh about how unserious he was "yeah I suppose I would say he was handsome"

Ron nodded knowing he was right "Pureblood women are born just to marry other pureblood men and give them children"

Hermione scoffed "maybe you're right, it's sad don't you think?"

"Recon people like them deserve loveless lives"

Emory Flawley had been reduced to the one thing she never wanted to be, a mother.

She hoped once she gave birth she would love them but she really didn't feel anything anymore. She felt love for Evan because that love had already existed. New love was impossible to form.

All of them looked like Evan to her, Emrys, Dorian, Jude, Valerian and Arden, they all stood very tall like Evan did, they had his hair and his entire face. She couldn't see any parts of herself in them. God she really tried.

Emory thought about how badly she had failed at life. She just gave the dark lord five more men to abuse and use.

She went outside. It was starting to get warm. She thought of that oddly warm spring night she had spent with Regulus and how that night changed her life.

Still when she thought about Regulus she remembered how beautiful he looked as he slept on the train ride. And how much she still loved him. How all her dreams were still of him.

She pictured he still looked beautiful and peaceful as he drowned trying to do the right thing.

the end.


AN: thank you to all the support, votes and comments I love you all, you are the reason why I keep writing.

I really hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!


(More stories soon, feel free to leave suggestions for what I should write next!)

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