Hidden truths

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Evan couldn't do anything but watch. He had never seen anyone with a cut that bad.

"Help me get him onto the bed" she called out, he couldn't move, Theo and Barty helped her. They placed him on the empty bed in Emory's room.

She ran into the restroom and got a wet towel, she gently placed it on his forehead and another on his neck.

Evan watched as it seemed she mumbled some prayer, he didn't even know she believed in a god.

Regulus slowly opened his eyes, Evan just stood watching, he was frozen. He didn't know how to help.

He watched as Emory held Regulus's face the tears rolling down hers "you'll be okay, I promise"

He nodded gently, he was still pale "pretty girl stay with me"

Theo and Barty looked at each other then looked at Evan. "We'll give you some space Regulus" they walked out.

Evan stayed staring, she put her forehead against his temple "you'll be okay"

He stayed standing there saying nothing. He didn't want to think about the way she looked at Regulus. And the fact that she was holding his hand. He knew he was stupid for getting mad, Regulus was practically dying.

"Emmy let's get you cleaned up" he grabbed her shoulder, she was still covered in his blood.

She shook her head no "I'm not leaving him yet, I can't" her eyes did not leave his sight.

He was sleeping, his breaths came slowly and gently.

"I'm going to go to bed I'll check up on you tomorrow" he left. He didn't want to be in that room anymore. He didn't want to see Regulus like that. He didn't want to see Emory covered in blood worried sick.

He couldn't sleep the entire night.

Early in the morning he knocked on her door, no answer.

He left.

She didn't go to breakfast or potions or transfiguration.

She wasn't at dinner.

After quidditch practice he knocked on her door again and no answer.

He didn't sleep that night either.

Emory didn't care about anything other than helping Regulus. She cleaned up after he threw up, she placed cold towels when he would wake up drenched in sweat. She'd get him blankets whenever he would start shivering. She stayed by his side.

He didn't talk much. He would just start apologizing and she would reassure him that it was fine.

His mark was slowly getting better She thanked the muggles who invented stitching skin back together, they were on to something.

It had been four days and she couldn't remember the last thing she ate, she was surviving off water and leftover apology chocolates she had.

"I can go back to my room now Emory"

She shook her head no "it's fine"

"You've been sleeping on a wooden chair for days"

She shrugged "it's fine"

"You don't have to take care of me anymore, it's dirty work"

"Not to me"

She sat him down as she changed the sheets and changed him into new clothes that Barty had dropped off for him.

He laid in bed still feeling the weakest he had ever. That night he just remembered wanting it all to stop. He hated the fact that Emory asked him to leave her alone and it pained him.

He was so tired of pain, it was all he ever felt.

After about seven days he started feeling better. He knew he owed it all to her. She had spent a lot of time brewing a potion to stop the pain, the same one he had brewed for her.

"Twice a day and make sure to take dragons claw every five hours"

He nodded "thank you, for everything"

She smiled, she looked so tired. "Thank you for coming to me"

He gave her one last look and finally after a week headed back to his own room. He felt better. He had soup that night and he felt stronger.

Evan noticed Regulus was back and went to go see Emory. He knocked.

She opened the door. She looked tired and thin. He didn't feel upset anymore he loved her still like he had his entire life.

"Come baby, let me take care of you"

He carried her to the restroom and started running her a bath. She was so tired he had to undress her. He even sat her in the bath tub.

"Soak for awhile"

He went inside and cleaned up her entire room, he even made her bed, he enchanted the sheets to stay warm.

He went back inside the restroom and scrubbed her body gently. He washed her hair and face as well.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked him.

"I'm not, I'm worried about you"

She didn't say anything and he just finished cleaning her up. He wrapped her in a towel and dried her off. He picked out a simple night gown and put it on her.

He gently brushed her hair and put it into two braids so her hair could be out of her face.

He put lotion on her and after he laid her down and tucked her in.

"Lay with me, please" she grabbed his arm.

He listened and wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. He wanted to always be the person to take care of her. Her heart was big and she cared more about taking care of others than herself.

For the first time in a week Emory was able to sleep through the night. She felt awful still, weak, but at least she wasn't tired anymore.

Evan forced fed her three meals a day that weekend and when she wouldn't want to take a second spoonful he'd literally feed her.

"I love you Evan" she sat up as he read to her late at night.

"Come here" he got closer and kissed her "I love you, I'm so glad you're doing better"

She smiled and secretly hid the way she started scratching her mark again.

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