Not friends anymore

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By the time Evan came back they only had two weeks left in their term.

Evan stopped talking to him. He stopped talking to all of them. The only people he spoke to were the quidditch team boys and well of course his girlfriend.

He wasn't mad at Emory, why would he? They weren't together when they had slept together. He got mad at Regulus because of the things he said after and how he lusted over her. He thought of all the times she slept over and Regulus had those intentions.

He got ready for practice and Regulus did too, he tried talking to Evan and he was met with silence, so he stopped trying. The room was always tense.

Emory walked in, she handed him his gloves "you keep leaving these everywhere"

He wrapped his arms around her hips and she kissed him gently "come over after practice?"

"I'll see you later then have a good practice baby" she avoided even looking at Regulus's side of the room.

Evan acted as if he didn't know his roommates. He was upset with Barty and Theo for both knowing and not telling him. He would've told them had the tables been turned.

The only person he wanted to talk to on a regular basis now was Emory, at the end of the day she was all he needed.

His parents weren't mad about his suspension. They were still over the moon that the last Flawley might be part of their family.

He thought about the things he would have to do during the summer and it scared him. He only admitted to Emory that he was scared. She always made him feel safe.

That's the same reason Regulus missed her. She made him feel whole, she understood his pain better than anyone. And now that part of him was just gone.

He knew Evan would never let them be close ever again. He was scared he would never be close to Evan either.

He thought about summer and how he would try very hard to get close to the dark lord. He was going to defeat him one day, he was going to free himself. He also was going to free Emory.

Emory didn't understand anything really. She knew two things for certain, one is that she loved Evan and two was that she missed Regulus.

She missed their friendship she missed laughing with him and spending all day with him. She tried to give him space and especially after Evan found out she gave him that time and space away.

"My perfect girl why do you look so sad?" Evan asked in the library after about three hours of studying.

"I feel like this year has been a mess, everything is so different"

He grabbed her hand and kissed each knuckle "it has been a mess but we're happy right?"

She nodded "of course we're happy, I'm just tired, want to go lie down?"

"Yes let that big crazy brain of yours rest"

He carried her bag and well he carried her as well back to the dungeons. She loved having a boyfriend, she never had to walk anywhere, he could just carry her around.

She laid on his bed as he went to go shower. Everyone was there and the silence was thick.

"Your family still going to france every summer?" Barty asked her.

She sat up "yeah recon it'll just be mum and I this year"

Theo glanced over at her "how will Evan survive without you, for that long?"

She chuckled, hearing that healed some part of Regulus that had been cold for weeks.

"Suppose you'll have to sleep with him during the nights Teddy"

They all laughed. For a quick second it was almost as if nothing had changed at all.

Evan walked in, he was shirtless and just wearing his pajama pants. His hair was still dripping wet. He didn't talk to any of them, still.

He laid down with her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her shoulder, he fell asleep very quickly.

Regulus was jealous. Of course he was jealous. He would be jealous of Evan for the rest of his life, until he defeated the dark lord.

The days to come he kept his distance. He knew Evan would attempt to kill him again if he saw them speaking.

"I need your help Black"

He turned around. Darren McLaggen.

"Whats going on?" He asked he was confused, they had never really spoke.

"He's going to get her killed"

He knew who he was talking about and well he probably was right. "What do you want me to do?" He asked. He didn't mean to sound rude he genuinely wanted him to tell him what to do.

"Stop him, does he not understand that she will be used as collateral damage?"

Regulus shook his head, he admired Darren's courage, very Gryffindor of him. "I cant stop either of them"

He got frustrated "you can, you have to try, break them up, out bid his marriage proposal, talk to her parents"

He still said no "I can't stop them because they aren't together out of obligation, they love each other, they want to be together"

Something in his eyes changed, they became very sad "she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, please help me get her away from him"

Regulus did something he thought he would never do. He extended his hand and pulled him in. In his head this was Sirius. His sad out of place brother who would never truly be happy.

He felt his sadness like a passed down shirt. It fit him perfectly and it smelt like Emory.

"I have a plan in motion already Darren I'm going to set her free from all that pain, I can promise you that"

He knew he had to live up to that promise. He didn't care about the pain he'd have to go through getting close with the dark lord. He was going to kill him.

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