Evan hate club

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Everyone kept each others secrets. That night was not spoken about at all. Darren and Emory went back to being private lovers.


A couple days after the party Darren broke up with her. Emory was so scared that this time it would be real. He seemed serious this time.

He held her hand as he just cried. When he started crying Emory knew what was going to happen, she started crying.

"That night, I had you in the way I have always wanted, I can't go back to hiding in small rooms and meeting in the middle of the night"

"But I love you, so much" she wasn't bargaining, she wanted him to know.

He smiled even as the tears fell down his face, he always smiled when she told him she loved him. "Run away with me, we can go to France or America or anywhere you'd like, we could make our own lives"

She knew he was being serious, he'd leave everything for her, but she couldn't do that to him. Darren had younger siblings which he absolutely adored and both his parents loved him, he had a home in England. She refused to strip him from that.

She kissed him gently "Darren I'm going to miss you, I can already feel it" she held onto him and they both cried. She took in everything.

"Thank you for everything Emory, you are and will always be the best thing that's ever happened to me, these two and a half years have made me who I am, I just wish things could've been different, I wish these were different times, but they're not and as much as I love you, you know how much it eats me up on the inside"

She nodded "I love you, I guess I should be thanking you for setting us free, I would've never been able to"

He kissed her one last time and walked away. Emory stayed and cried. She cried for an entire week straight. Violet kept asking her what was wrong and she couldn't answer.

She went to their usual hangouts at the designated times to see if he would show up, he never did.

Regulus noticed the change. She didn't eat, she was up at the hours he was and she didn't speak once. He would've assumed it was the mark, that was until he saw Darren looking even worse.

They had broken up. He wasn't happy, he knew how much they loved each other, this break up was ruining them both.

She sat next to him still during dinner, not like she ate.

"Emory?" Evan nudged her.

She didn't even move he nudged her gently.

"Sorry" she looked at him

"Halloween party next weekend are you coming?" He asked

Regulus chuckled could he seriously not see that she was falling apart?

"No" she groaned "I would rather do anything else"

Evan smiled "okay do you want to go on a date with me then?"

She immediately looked to see if Violet had heard. She had. She shot up from her seat and ran out the dinning hall.

"In front of her seriously" she pushed him and went to follow her.

Evan put his face in his hands "I cannot ever win"

Regulus laughed "you should've thought about Emory before you started shagging her roommate then"

Theodore nodded "I mean I get the appeal if you wanted to just shag both of them, but you want Emory in a way you don't want Violet but she wants you like that, so it's kind of fucked up"

"You're kind of fucked up mate" Barty added.

"For fucks sake when did this become the 'i hate Evan Rosier club'" he shot stares at them as all three of them giggled.

Theodore looked back and forth between Regulus and Evan, "the real fight will be when both of you try to get her hand in marriage"

"Nott this is the sole heir of the Noble house of Black, whoever he wants as his wife he will have, even if it's some girl who likes to shag Gryffindors in secret" Sirius. Of course it was Sirius. He always had to appear at the worst times.

Regulus wasn't going to hold back. Something about his brother reducing his dream girl to someone who had sex with Darren pissed him off.

He shoved him with all his might "get the fuck away from me"

Sirius recovered and pushed him back even harder. "That wasn't even hard, still weak little brother?"

Weak. He hated how Sirius would call him that. He felt his mark burn and in seconds he was on top of his brother punching him.

"I'm not your brother, you're a bloodtraitor" he kept punching him.

"You're a disgrace to our family, you're no brother of mine Sirius" he could feel people trying to stop him.

"You're the weak one, you left me, all alone, you left me, you left me there Sirius, you didn't care, you just left, you left me"

He felt someone finally stop him from killing his brother. Emory.

Oh how Emory Flawley could silence his entire brain.

"Let's go somewhere just you and me?"

He agreed and she held his very broken hand as they walked outside. He knew he would be in deep trouble with Slughorn and probably McGonagall but he didn't care.

They sat at the edge of the Black lake and he sobbed. He clutched onto her as he cried like a little boy.

She didn't try to say anything she just held him tightly. For the first time in so long Regulus felt safe.

When he finally composed himself he apologized "I'm sorry"

She wiped the tears off his face "it's okay, can I heal them now?"

He nodded and he placed his hands gently on her lap. It all hurt so much. He also started to feel embarrassed that he had said all of that to Sirius over one small comment.

He knew his mother would know soon enough. He had giants to face. But not in that moment, in that moment he had Emory.

She was kind, she slept in his bed and held him the entire night because he really couldn't stop crying. God how he missed his brother, his best friend.

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