unhappiness is hereditary

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Regulus and his wife didn't speak at all. He liked that. He liked not having to fake anything.

He did not like that his wife had turned seventeen just four days before their marriage. That was not okay in his mind. Other than that kiss they had not touch once. He didn't want to and neither did she.

She locked herself away in one of the rooms of their new manor. Kreacher told him that she cried a lot, she cried almost every night. He did feel bad for her.

Felt bad for both of them, they didn't even speak a common language.

He never saw his so called wife. He never spoke to her either and again he was okay with all that.

He found himself throwing rocks at her window. Emory's window. He knew for whatever time he had left he wanted to spend it with her.

She poked her head out "what do you want?"

He smiled "let me in before your parents notice I'm here"

She looked around and enchanted steps up to her window.

He walked up them very happily "Very Romeo and Juliet"

She wasn't happy to see him "since when do you read Muggle literature"

He put his finger on her lips "shh don't tell anyone my secret"

She stepped away from him "you really shouldn't be here"

He sat on her bed, he had a habit of always making himself at home when it came to her bed.

"Come on, lay with me"

She stayed standing up. She wasn't going to give in "I know it's hard to believe but I have morals and those morals include not sleeping with married men"

He smirked "Oh you were thinking about sleeping with me?"

She pulled his arm "I meant laying with, get out of my bed"

"You can't just ignore me until you die"

She shot her eyes at him.

"You know if this were like any other September we'd be back at Hogwarts and then I really couldn't ignore you, but now I really can just ignore you"

He hugged her waist "please my so called wife is practically a child and I refuse to touch her because of well, what did you call them, oh right, morals"

She put her hands on his shoulders "you learn German yet?"

He laughed out loud "Merlin no, I don't think she's practicing English either"

She kissed his lips "this ends by the new year"

Regulus agreed he knew coming december he was going to go into that cave and never ever return. He wanted to spend his last couple months alive with her. Only around her could his life really feel worth living.

Emory knew if it weren't for her already planned death she would've never allowed herself to have sex with him again but she knew her time was very limited. Coming January she would be dead.

She didn't have any second thoughts.

Emory just wanted to enjoy her final months alive and how Regulus lit her soul on fire and made her feel alive.

She knew her sacrifice would be worth it when Regulus would be able to finally be happy. Sure he would grieve her for awhile but eventually he could be happy.

She made a deal with Sirius that once the dark lord was defeated he would have to try to get close with his brother. That they had to forgive each other for everything so she knew Regulus would get his original best friend back.

They spent almost everyday together.

Everyday was made golden.

She was at the local market getting some bread for that evening when she saw Violet Burke. It had been so long since the two had spoken.

"Want to sit down for tea?" Violet offered.

Emory didn't want to die with any grudges so she agreed.

"You know I'm sorry Emory"

Emory nodded "I know" she sat awkwardly playing with her scone.

"Everything happened because I've always been real jealous of you" Violet admitted.

"Why? I mean you didn't have to get a mark, you get to live happily without pain, there's nothing to be jealous of" she was losing her temper.

"I'm not the girl men fall in love with. You've always been"

Emory couldn't believe what she was saying "Violet you're so beautiful and smart, Evan was just the worst guy you could've fallen for"

Violet sipped her tea "You don't get it, you're the girl guys have always been in love with, I mean they don't even know you and they love you. Loving you is so easy"

Emory was upset because it seemed as if the one man she truly loved she couldn't be with. "They want to continue their bloodlines"

"Sure, but I mean you're everyone's first choice. I'm the girl men date right before they find the one I am never anyone's first choice, I've always been more of an afterthought"

Emory couldn't believe she felt that way towards herself "you don't need a husband, there's so much more to life than love"

Violet didn't agree "so you're telling me you don't want to get married and have children?"

Emory chuckled she knew she would be dead way before that could even happen "No I don't want any of that actually"

"Well I do and It's almost unfair how hard it is for me while for you, someone who doesn't want love, gets it so effortlessly"

She stood up "the man I love more than humanly possible is married to another woman and there's nothing I can do about it if you want to talk about fucking unfairness" she slammed her foot down and left.

Emory felt like a child running into Regulus's arms crying as if she was five.

He stroked her hair.

"Look the first fall of snow" he pointed out her window.

She looked up at him "you know I love you right?"

He nodded "I know"

She kissed him "promise me you'll try your hardest to be happy"

He grabbed her face "I already am happy and in love with the most beautiful being on this planet"

Those would be the last words ever exchanged between the both of them.

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