Rosier Hill Manor.

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Evan was currently with a women he had met at a pub when he heard a knock on the door. One very small knock.

He opened it.

Emory Flawley or her ghost. She looked so different than the last time he saw her at Regulus's wedding.

"Emmy are you okay?" He genuinely was very concerned he tried showing up once he heard of Regulus's death but her parents didn't let him see her.

He remembered how he could hear her screams from downstairs.

She lifted her hand and she was holding the box.

"Does your offer still stand?"

Evans heart dropped. Everything was wrong. This wasn't the way things were supposed to be. She was supposed to marry him because she loved him.

But how he still loved her.

He took the box and opened it.

"Are you sure this is what you want Emory?"

She nodded and acted as if she wasn't crying "yes" she lied the only thing she wanted was for Regulus to be alive.

He placed the ring on her finger. She looked so skinny and grey, her face was mainly bones now.

"Come in" he sat her down on the couch "give me a second".

She stared blankly at the portrait of his family that he had hanging above the fireplace.

A women came down and Evan was practically pushing her out the door. "I'm sorry about that" he walked over to her.

He sat down across from her and she knew he was inspecting every inch of her. He could see how damaged she was.

She finally made eye contact with him. "If I was pregnant do you think the dark lord would force me to do work for him?"

He very fastly shook his head no "over my dead body"

"Can you do it then?" She asked. She genuinely wanted to sign her life away to Evan. He would take care of her.

For a quick second she remembered the real Emory who never wanted to get married and never wanted children. She remembered how desperately she wanted to see the world.

Then she remembered Regulus was dead. The world wasn't worth seeing anymore.

"Emory what's going on?" He asked.

"When do you think is the fastest we could get married?" She asked. She wanted to give her life away as quickly as she could.

He frowned she wasn't answering his question. "After you have a full meal with me"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine"

Evan just watched as it seemed she was in pain eating. He knew she probably hadn't ate real food in so long her throat was in pain having to eat.

A small part of Evan was so happy she was in his home and wanted to marry him.

"Can you erase him from my memories?" She finally asked.

He shook his head no.

"Why you were always jealous of him" she was genuinely upset that he wouldn't just help her out.

"I would be erasing so much good, so much light and love"

She broke the glass with her pure rage "how about liquid happiness"

He shook his head no again. "I want you to genuinely get better not drug yourself"

She started crying he knew she would. He still knew her like he knew the back of his hand.

"We don't have to have a big wedding, we could do something small, hell we could get married by next weekend" he suggested while gently rubbing her back.

She hugged him very tightly. She knew he would fix everything for her.

Evan Rosier would truly fix everything for her, he got his mother to plan a small and intimate wedding the following week.

The dark lord signed off on the wedding which was really all he needed.

The first weekend of March they were married. She looked beautiful walking down the isle. He had been force feeding her again, she needed it. She started looking better

He really didn't mind the fact that for the rest of his life he would be taking care of her. Her mother even told him that her daughter was broken and that he should marry someone more put together.

He looked at his now wife sitting alone at their wedding looking at the trees her face marked with tears and knew he would take care of her because he loved her.

All those times he said he would give up everything for her he wasn't lying and now he was proving it to her.

They danced together that night and he held on tightly to her.

"I will always love you Emory"

She kissed his cheek "you can't die"

"I know"

He kept his promise and on the day he dueled for his life against mad eye moody he knew he had to aparate. The old Evan would've probably died before running away but he had a wife now.

A wife that very much needed him. A wife that he loved which was strange for their world.

He aparated that day full of cuts and blood all over him.

She healed him. She still always did.

She pulled her underwear off and sat on top of him pulling off his pants as well.

They had a lot of purposeful sex. She wanted a child. He wouldn't have minded if they never had kids. She had always told him she never did.

But he knew the Emory he married was different that the Emory he knew growing up.

He could distinctly tell the two apart. By one single event. Regulus Blacks death.

Emory Flawley never moved on. She just laid the past her, the one Regulus loved to rest. She was no longer that women.

Now she was Evan Rosiers wife, he was a successful high ranking death eater and she was his loyal wife.

She still missed Regulus every time she breathed. She still hoped for his return one day. She would be waiting for him until she died.

She sat down eating dinner. Evan walked in and kissed her. He liked doing things like that, it reminded her a lot of potions class and how he would always say hi to her even if she was cross with him and wouldn't say anything back.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked sitting next to her.

She shrugged and grabbed her stomach.

"6 months today"

Evan kissed her now very large stomach "My little heir"

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