Past (1500s) - Beach of Ultheem

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A body is washed onto a pristine beach by the waves of the ocean. The body coughs up sea water and rolls onto his back. 

It is Royston, but younger than his present day self, and dressed in the same clothes he wore when he was on the canoe.

He groans. The sun is shining brightly down. Royston slowly opens his eyes and is met with 2 young boys, HAKIM and FAISAL. "He's awake! The white man is awake!" Hakim exclaims. 

"Quick, come quick!" Faisal calls out. 

Royston slowly struggles to his feet. The 2 boys are wary and yet curious about the stranger at the same time. Royston looks around him and sees an old Maldivian village with huts and villagers wearing outfits from the past.

An adult Maldivian male, MOHD, emerges from the shelter of the trees and walks towards Royston. 

"You do not dress like a Portuguese or anyone else I have encountered before. Who are you?" Mohd asks.

Royston, trying to answer, instead, coughs out the remaining sea water left in his lungs. Mohd pounds his back forcefully, to which Royston falls again on the sand. 

Mohd laughs. "Come, stranger. Why don't you rest up in my hut? Come."

Mohd helps Royston stand up and guides him to his residence

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