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The brothers and Dhandehelu are sitting on the side of the Portuguese ship. Dom Gaspar and Joao are separated from the Maldivians. 

Dhandehelu, having learnt some basic Portuguese from his best friend, Joao, is trying to eavesdrop on the Portuguese soldiers conversation. 

Ali, the oldest is nervously observing the behaviour of the soldiers. Mohd, as usual, is observing the scene in his contemplative manner. 

Hassan, the youngest and most impulsive of the 3 brothers, quietly suggests, "we must act first, before the Portuguese gets into their heads to hurt us." 

Mohd shakes his head and replies, "you should put a stop to that thought. Remember,  violence begets violence." He says the last sentence solemnly, as he is the only one amongst the brothers who has had experience in being in combat. 

Dom Gaspar is arguing with the soldier who had brought the missive. The argument is getting more and more heated, as the brothers look to Dhandehelu to translate what was being said. 

Mohd, sensing something has gone awry, removes his weapon from his scarab, and places it beside him, out of sight of the soldiers. His brothers, seeing what he has done, does the same. 

Dhandehelu, quickly translates quietly to the brothers, "Andre has  ordered the Vedor to kill the brothers, but the Vedor is trying to dismiss those orders."

No sooner had the words been translated that the soldier whips out a knife and stabs the Vedor. This causes Joao to cry in fury, as he goes about avenging his masters death, only to be slain just as quick.

Dhandehelu, seeing his best friend killed, goes on a rampage and starts attacking the Portuguese soldiers, the brothers also joining in the fray. 

Soon the decks of the ship are awash with blood and dead bodies, as the brothers and Dhandehelu stand as the only surviving members on board the ship. Dhandehelu cradles his best friends body in his arms, as he carries the body to the ships edge, ready to jump off the ship with the body. 

The brothers stop him just in time, with the dead body plunging into the water. Dhandehelu is grief stricken. 

From the other side of the ship, Royston, Aisha and Sitti make their way on board, unbeknownst to the brothers and Dhandehelu. Their presence are only made aware to the brothers when they hear the gasps of the 3 newcomers. Aisha and Sitti rush over to Dom Gaspar's body. Royston stares at the carnage in absolute shock.

The brothers continue to work tirelessly to throw the dead bodies of the Portuguese soldiers overboard, with Dom Gaspar's body being treated with more respect than the soldiers were afforded. They say a few prayers and each kiss the forehead of the man who had treated them with respect as compared to the other Portuguese, before slowly lowering him into the sea. Silent tears stream down the face of the women, as the body of Dom Gaspar plunges into the sea.

Everyone makes their way to the smaller boat that the women and Royston came in, as the Portuguese ship burns in the distance, having been set aflame by the brothers. 

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