Past (1500s) - Utheem Beach (Day)

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Royston is sitting along the beach, watching the island kids playing. Mohd approaches him from behind. "May I join you?" Mohd asks.

"Yes, please," Royston answers. 

Mohd joins Royston on the sand. They sit in silence for a few beats, looking at the scene in front of them.

Mohd starts, "In answer to your question earlier..... perhaps its not the time of year that is important. Perhaps God has a purpose for you to be here at this moment in time."

Mohd takes out the photo that he had hidden in his sarong earlier. He hands it to Royston.

Royston looks at the photo and takes it, "Oh my God. I didn't even realise I had lost it. I can't believe I never even realised I dropped it. Thank you. You have no idea how important this is to me."

"No problem, my new friend. May I ask, what is it and who are the little people in this paper?"

"This is called a photograph. Ummm, where I am from, it captures the likeness of someone at that moment, something like a painting, but faster. This is, I mean was, my wife Aminah and my son, Andrew."

Mohd strokes his beard, digesting the information just relayed to him. He murmurs the 2 names under his breath.

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