Past (1500s) - ON A BEACH IN THE MALDIVES (Day-Night)

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On the beach, Ali is sitting, staring at the KF, floating in the waters in the distance. Royston joins him, lowering himself beside Ali. The rest of the crew, going about their work, ignores the duo.

"What is troubling you, my friend?" Rosyton asks. 

Ali turns to Mohd and Sitti, who are having a private discussion under a coconut tree, under the watchful eye of Aisha, of course.

Ali turns back to look out to the waters, before answering, "I miss my wife and son. I wish I could see them now." 

Royston is shocked for he had believed the Utheem brothers to not be married, since no word of a family was ever uttered. 

"Where is your family?"

"They are on an island, not too far from here. It would be an hour journey by boat."

"Why haven't you asked Mohd for permission to meet your family?"

At this, Ali angrily responds, "I am the oldest and I do not need anyone's permission, least of all someone younger than me, to see my family." Ali stands up and angrily walks away. 

It is night time before anyone realises that Ali has gone missing.

Royston, guiltily admits that he might know where Ali has gone. 

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