Past (1500s) - Great Hall, Male Palace - (Day)

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Tuffashana is pacing back and forth in the great hall, not noticing that Andiri has already taken a seat on the dais, a new cup of wine in his hand and another servant fanning him.

Tuffashana halts at the sight and approaches the dais.

Andiri raises his hand to stop Tuffashana's advance. "Before you start your whining or whatever spiel you are about to say, let me collect my thoughts. I have yet to fill my belly this morning and I doubt I can stand to listen to whatever you have on an empty stomach."

Andiri takes his time, sipping his wine slowly, enjoying Tuffashana's annoyance at having to continue to wait, like a child.

Soon, Andiri signals for Tuffashana to begin his drivel. "You may begin."

Andiri feigns boredom, but his ears are sharp to Tuffashana's words for it is no good to show interest in this conniving male. 

"My esteemed Lord," Tuffashana begins, "I ask this, not with any malice whatsoever, but to implore you to really look into this matter that I am bringing up to you today."

Andiri raises his eyebrows, but does not say anything. 

Tuffashana continues. "Who is the one that really rules the islands of this great nation of Maldives, is it you or the Utheem brothers? 

Dom Gaspar has given the brothers more power by allowing them to travel to Goa to meet with the Regent of India. This would surely gain them even more favour with the King himself. 

It is Dom Gaspar's wily ways to wrest control of Maldives from you, sire, and all right under your nose. It is for sure that Dom Gaspar is planning some sort of coup to overthrow you from your rightful place of ruling Maldives.  Look at how the natives follow Dom Gaspar, just because he has the Utheem brothers by his side, along with the queen and princess."

Atthis, Andre laughs, for he knows that Tuffashana's main goal has always been to marry the Princess and become Sultan, just like his father had married the nieces of the slain Sultan to cement their power to the throne. 

Tuffashana goes beet red at the unexpected laughter, but continues on, "also, they have somehow sought the help of an Englishman. How is that not a massive slight when it is a nation that is an enemy to the Portuguese."

Andre tilts his head, processing this new information. Tuffashana, seeing the change in Andre, quickly continues to make a suggestion. 

"Perhaps you should summon Dom Gaspar and the Utheem brothers to come here to Male to swear their allegiance to you. I can send some of my men over to fetch them and bring them back to kneel before you."

Andre considers this before nodding his head in agreement. 

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