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The brothers and their companions have sought refuge on an unknown island in the Maldives, having been given shelter by the chief of the island. 

They are discussing what needs to be done, as sitting on the beach, they are nothing but sitting ducks, waiting for the Portuguese to execute them.

"We should strike the city of Male while the iron is hot," Hassan boldly suggests. 

"The city will be too well guarded and on the alert at this time," Aisha replies, scoffing at the idea, but in a more gentler way. 

Differentscenarios and possibilities have already raced through Mohd's mind, before hespeaks up. Having to give respect to his older brother, Ali, Mohd asks, "My dear Ali, what do you have in mind?"

Aliknowing that he is out of his league, defers to Mohd, "you have more experience in this sort of matters, my dear brother. I for one cannot comprehend on what our next step should be, but I think you do."

Mohd grows thoughtful, before slowly laying out his plans to the group. "We should slowly but consistently attack the Portuguese bases, giving the people of the Maldives an increasing hope with each new attack. We should not attack the city of Male just yet. It is far too risky and we are still outnumbered and outweaponed."

Mohd continues, "however In order to carry out this attack, we should build a ship, a ship that can travel faster than any ship that has ever been made."

Royston,who has been listening to the conversation, his head bouncing back and forthbetween the group, his mind whirring at a completely new theory that hasgripped his mind, blurts out the name, "Thakurufaanu."

Mohd cocks his head at Royston, surprised that the Englishman knows his full name. "Yes, that is indeed my full name. I do wonder why you would need to remind me of my full name?" 

Royston is flabbergasted, as he had no idea he had been spending time with the national hero of the Maldives. 

Freeing Maldives - A Hero in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now