Past (1500s) - MALIKU ISLAND (Day)

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Royston, his companions and other island dwellers are building the ship that will help them in their quest. The woman of the island are constantly feeding the men who have been slaving away on the ship. Mohd and Sitti use this time to get to know each other better.

Roystonis sitting on the beach during his break, when Aisha sits down next to him.Royston is in the midst of writing in his notebook, when he notices Aishabeside him. 

"May I enquire as to what it is that you are writing?" Aisha asks. 

"It is a diary of sorts of what has been happening to me and everyone around me," Royston replies. 

They discuss about the first time they met and how Royston had called her Aminah. 

"Do I remind you of someone?" Aisha asks.

Royston gulps, his eyes turning misty for a bit before replying, "yes, you remind me of my late wife."

They continue talking but are soon interrupted by the cheers of some of the men. 

Dhandehelu rushes up the beach towards Royston and Aisha and informs them that the ship has been built, and they would test it out in the waters before they set sail for their mission.

Mohd, Hassan, Dhandehelu, Royston and a few of the carpenters, jumped on board the ship for its maiden voyage. As per Mohd's habit, he had cast a line to tow the ship. To everyone's surprise, a fish was caught within minutes into the voyage. It was a sail fish called the kaluoh. The ship was sailing so fast, the fish jumped clean out of the water. Mohd decides to name the boat Kaluoh Fummi. 

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