Past (1500s) - Vedor Dom Gaspar's Residence - (Evening) - Continued

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Dom Gaspar sees the females around the corner. "Aah, there are my favourite ladies. Come, come and join us in this lovely feast."

The 3 females, Aisha, Sitti and Fulu, emerge from the corner. Mohd,  and Royston gaze upon the beauty of the 3 women. Only Hassan and Ali are not affected by their beauty.

Ali greets the females. "Greetings Your majesty. Your highness. Sister Fulu."

"It seems your combined beauty has managed to make my companions suddenly mute it seems," Hassan continues after Ali.

This shakes the other male from their reverie and they take turns to bow their heads at the ladies presence. Only Royston remains silent, though a nudge from Ali causes him to snap out of it. He extends is hand to shake Aisha's hand. Silence descends on the room, as Aisha quirks her eyebrow at the hand offered to her. 

Dom Gaspar is amused. "It must be a new English custom to shake a queen's hand, I suppose."

"I'm sorry.... I didn't mean......," Royston stammers in apology. 

He lowers his hand, a blush spreading throughout his face. 

Aisha, not wanting to embarrass this strange man, grabs his hand and pumps it into a handshake. "It is a new world we are living, so we must all adapt with the times."

"Since introductions have been made, lets not waste time and enjoy this lovely spread before us. Come my dear friends," announces Dom Gaspar. 

Every one takes a seat, the food being served to them by the servants. 

Dom Gaspar continues, "this fish that we are eating right now was caught by the hands of Princess Sitti herself," indicating to the spread before them, "a fine wife she would make, for the lucky man that would marry her, don't you agree?"

The last proclamation was directed to Mohd, who's attention turned to Sitti. "Yes, indeed. Any man would be lucky to have her as a wife," Mohd says.

Sitti herself, not knowing where to look, focuses on the food in front of her, her long hair covering the smile slowly spreading across her face. 

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