Past (1500s) - Vedor Dom Gaspar's Residence on the Island of Baarah (Evening)

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The sun slowly sets over the horizon, as torches are being lit in the residence of DOM GASPAR, Vedor* (*Mayor / Ambassador of sorts for the Portugese and Maldivians) of the Northern Atoll of the Maldives, a man nearing the prime of his life, respected by the people, or as much respect as a Maldivian can give to a Portuguese. 

He enters the open compound of his residence. He sees the Utheem brothers and a mysterious Caucasian male (Royston) already seated around the fire.

The group rises to their feet upon seeing the Vedor enter.

Hassan, as the eldest, starts off first by saying, "Dom Gaspar, thank you for allowing us to pay our respects in person."

"Our brothers and I are deeply humbled to be in your presence," Ali continues.

Royston is lost at all this formality and greetings happening in front of him. Dom Gaspar notices this.

"I'm Dom Gaspar, Vedor of the Northern Atolls here in the Maldives. And who might you be?" he asks.

"I'm Royston, Royston Ellis, sir."

Royston reaches out his hand to shake the Dom's hands, but the Vedor turns his head towards the Utheem brothers, his eyebrow raised at hearing Royston's accent.

 "Please explain why you have brought an Englishman onto the shores of a Portuguese settlement?" Dom Gaspar asks the brothers. 

Royston not wanting to the brothers into trouble, interjects. "Dom Gaspar, I may be English, but I am not an enemy of Portugal. I am....."

Dom Gaspar raises his hand to silence Royston. 

"Do you vouch for this man?" Dom Gaspar, asks the Utheem brothers. Ali and Hassan glance at each other, unsure of how to answer.

"Yes, we vouch for this Englishman," Mohd answers on behalf of his brothers. 

Dom Gaspar lowers his hand and stares at Royston for a beat too long, before he slowly smiles and claps Royston on his back. "Come everyone, take a seat so we can get to the matters at hand."

Servants enter the compound, bearing trays of food, including the fish that Sitti had caught earlier in the day. 

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