Past (1500s) - Vedor Dom Gaspar's Residence (Corner) - (Evening)

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From around the corner of the compound, Sitti looks on at the Utheem brothers, or more specifically, Mohd. Fulu, her head popping above Sitti, also looks on at the scene in front of them. 

"My Dhandehelu looks more and more handsome each time I see him, don't you think?" Fulu dreamily sighs. 

"I think Mohd is even more handsome than Dhandehelu," Sitti counters back.

They both peer at the men, before Fulu asks, "Who is that other white man with them?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe another Portugese?" Sitti responds.

Aisha, approaches the 2 females from behind, surprising them. "What are you two looking at?"

The 2 females give a startled yelp.

Sitti is the first to speak up. "Who is that new man, Mother?"

Aisha, curious, pokes her head around the corner and sees Royston. Her heart skips a beat, but she has no idea why. 

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