Past (1500s) - PRIVATE ROOM IN MALE PALACE (Evening)

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Medhoo and Tuffashana are in a private room in the palace, lounging in their respective seats, toasting each other with cups of their wine in their hands.

"Ah my dear son, how fine this wine tastes, knowing we are so much closer to our goal," Tuffashana declares. 

They discuss their clever scheme of getting rid of the Vedor Dom Gaspar and the Utheem brothers, as well as gaining more trust and power from Andre. They continue to discuss their plans in glee to gain even more money and power

"Soon my dear boy, we will be able to finally rule the Maldives without the interference of those Portuguese.," Tuffashana ends his speech, savouring the wine as Medhoo too contemplates a Maldives where he too would be untouchable. 

The men, in all their drunken and celebratory state, do not notice that behind one of the paintings, a young Maldivian boy is hiding, listening or spying on their conversation.

Soon word spreads amongst the people in Male city and the surrounding islands of the demise of the Utheem brothers by the Portuguese soldiers. 

The Portuguese believed that it was the Utheem brothers who had killed Dom Gaspar and the Portuguese soldiers to create anarchy.

Andre is both relieved and angry at this turn of events. His rule becomes more cruel as the days go by, with the bodies of the slain soldiers washing up the shores on the different islands surrounding the Maldives. 

He takes this as a mockery to this ruling and the gloating of the Maldivians. 

Andre receives a letter from the Regent, asking him to explain what has been happening in Maldives for it too become an embarrassment to the Portuguese colony. 

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