Trout can be vicious creatures. (Chapter 3)

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Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while, next chapter will be out in a couple days as this chapter is short. I'm excited to announce that my Rooster Bradshaw/ top gun story is being published May 6th and that my Harry Styles/ One direction fanfiction is being publish June 9th (Which is the main characters birthday)


I groan with anger, waking up on the hammock outside the chateau to the sound of my brothers annoying voice.

"Get up sleeping beauty. Sun is up, birds are chirping, and we have a meeting with Cheryl from DCS." John B announces with a fake smile while shaking the hammock.

"As exciting as that sounds, I'll pass." I say dismissing my brother and trying to fall back to sleep.

"Did you sleep out here?"

"Shut up and go away, I'm tried." I tell him with a sleepy grunt. As if he was ignoring my statement all together, he tells me to be ready in 10 minutes and then walks back inside.

Fuck, I guess I have to get up, why can't I have anything nice?


"Okay, John it has come to our attention that you are an unemancipated minor living on his own." I sit next to my brother, glaring at the brown-haired women. Technically I don't have to be here since I do have a mother that is apparently according to the law a fit legal guardian, but JB wanted me to come for moral support.

"He's not alone." I tell the women sternly, interrupting the already dreadful conversation.

"If you want to interrupt Miss Routledge, then you can leave." Cheryl tells me without her gaze even leaving my brother for a second.

"I'm not living alone." JB finally adds to the conversation.

"John, I need honesty to help you. That's what we both want, right?" No.

"I am being honest." He continues.

"Okay, then when was the last time you spoke to your uncle?" She questions my brother. Moving his hand from his lap and looking at his watch, which if I do remember correctly, broke about a year ago.

"34 minutes ago." My idiot brother pulls the answer out of his ass.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"2 hours and 43 minutes ago." What the fuck is wrong with him. Had I not rubbed off on him? He is a terrible liar. Cheryl lifts her head, eyeing him with suspicion and clearly calling his bullshit.

"John, we're going to come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there we're going to move forward with foster care." Nah, fuck this.

"He doesn't need to be in foster care, his family is right here." I say trying to keep my anger under control like I promised JB I would. Cheryl looks at me with something that looks a lot like sympathy.

"I want to assure you we will find your brother a safe and loving home." This bitch.

"He already has a loving home, with me, his sister."

"I know you care about him, but this will be for the best." Just as I'm about to start fuming from the ears, I feel JB place his hand over mine, telling me to calm down. As John B gets up to leave, I glance at the women one more time. I just need to have the last say.

"You know, you would be such a pretty woman if you just fixed your hair and your bitchy attitude. Because I can't quiet tell which is uglier." And with that, I get up and leave the room alongside my brother.


Later that day I find myself walking to the beach, as that is where JJ said to meet everyone. Getting there I see my friends sitting around a fire, laughing at whatever JJ is saying, and my brother perched up away from the group, looking lowkey depressed as fuck. Deciding it was best to let John b have his moment alone, I go and place myself next to Kie on the sand.

"Look who finally showed up!" JJ greets with a chuckle.

"Hey, what are we talking about?"

"JJ was telling us about the time he swore he saw a shark while surfing." Pope says with an exaggerated eye roll.

"My bet was it was just a dolphin." Kie says, sending me a wink.

"I swear I'm telling the truth, it was huge too." JJ tries to convince us, getting defensive over his story.

"Are you sure it wasn't just a large fish." I add to the teasing, sending JJ a chuckle.

"Yea, I heard that the trout are pretty big down at main beach." Pope joins in.

"Whatever, you guys suck. I'm gonna go sit with depresso over there." JJ say roll his eyes with a playful pout.

"Awww, please we're sorry, we believe you. It must have been really scary?" I tell him with mocking sympathy.

"Yeah, it was. It was scary, I thought I was going to die. Like they were my last moments, you know?"

"Yeah, I heard those trout are real vicious creatures." I struggle my words out through my laughter, causing the whole group to chuckle. JJ turns his head away to hide his grin.


The next day, Pope and I find ourselves sitting in silence as I slowly drift off to sleep as he reads about something to do with forensic science. The sound of the rain and wind outside was interrupted by the loud slamming of the front door, jolting me wide awake.

"I'm home." I hear my brother shout, Pope and I stay silent knowing he will find us in a matter of seconds. "The storm is really picking up out there."

"Yeah it is." Pope agrees.

"I'm bored as fuck. I have a crazy idea, let's go surfing." I enthusiastically tell the boys.

"Right now?" Pope asked with skepticism lacing his voice.

"Yes, let's do it!" JB agrees running to his room to get his board.

"Come on Pope, don't be a pussy." I tell the boy patting his shoulder on my way to my room to get changed.

Thanks for reading!

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