'You call me a hypocrite but get mad when I call you your name!' (Chapter 10)

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The five of us shove a half out of it John B into the Twinkie, causing him to moan in pain. Kie jumps into the front seat as the three boys and I quietly get into the back, Pope settles in beside me as JJ sits across from me. Kie starts up the car, but we don't start moving. When I pull myself back to reality, I realise everyone's looking at me weirdly. Do I have two heads or something?

"What?" I frustratingly question, anger clearly still prominent in my voice from our argument earlier. I watch as a muscle in JJ's jaw jumps and Pope uncomfortably moves his eyes off me. Kie looks in the rear-view mirror sending me a questioning smirk.

"Umm, Sam. Your pants are undone." She states causing my eyes to jump down to look at my clearly undone pants. I mumble a curse as I quickly do them up and my lack of shirt quickly becomes obvious. I clear my throat with a nervous smile at all my friends that are clearly questioning how I spent most of my night.

"We should get out of here." I mumble with embarrassment as I look out the window and Kie starts to drive off. Thank God my brother is half asleep, I doubt he even has a clue to what we're talking about.

The rest of the car ride is quiet and uncomfortable. Poor Pope, by the way he's looking around the van he still has no idea about our fight. He doesn't say anything though, the tension is so thick it's probably suffocating everyone.

The twinkie finally comes to a stop in front of the Chateau causing me to almost let out a sigh of relief. Thank fuck. As we all slowly begin to hop out the van, I can tell by everyone's tired looking expressions that we are all drained.

"Hey, it's been a long night, do you mind if I just go home? I promise we'll do a girls night soon." Kie asks with an apologetic look. I smile back at her with a nod.

"Yeah, I'm too tired anyways. See you tomorrow." I tell her with a reassuring smile.

Kie and Pope make their way into Kies car and begin to drive off, leaving a very unconscious John B to JJ and I. "Can I get your help taking him inside?" I nervously ask the blonde who doesn't reply and simply helps my stumbling brother into the Chateau. I grab a glass of water and follow JJ into my brothers room. I place the glass down on JBs bed side table as he mumbles something into his pillow.

Jay and I quietly make our way into the lounge room leaving my brother to sleep. The uncomfortable silence between us almost makes it hard to breathe. JJ and I are never like this, we almost never fight. He barely looks at me as I take a shaky breath and go to start talking.

"Are you going to stay or are you taking off?" I ask painfully quiet I almost question if he heard me. He folds his arms defensively across his chest and gives me a blank and emotionless look. That's not going to work on me Jay, I know you too well.

"I think I'll just go home. My dads not there tonight so you don't have to worry about me not being able to protect myself." He spits my own harsh words back at me making the guilt swirl inside me.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I was just being defensive and stupid. I didn't mea-" He cuts me off mid apology with a harsh tone.

"It's whatever." He shrugs boredly. It's an act, I know you, Jay. "I don't care Samantha, it was a petty argument." He knows I hate it when my friends call me Samantha, especially him. My full name sounds like poison in his mouth.

"But I should have just calmed down. I'm sorry that I spoke to you that way, I was just embarrassed but it was still uncalled for." He unfolds his arms and walks past me sharply.

"It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow Samantha." He mumbles going to storm to the front door of the Chateau. I follow him with a quick pace and slam the door closed when he goes to open it. Good luck to my sleeping brother because I have a feeling there is about to be a lot of yelling.

"Don't you dare fucking call me that Jay!" I angrily shout as he turns around to face me with his back pressed into the door. "It's Sam to you." I forcefully yell in his face as I harshly jam my finger into his chest. He pushes me off him and storms a few feet away so that I'm now resting against the door.

"You call me a hypocrite, but you get all defensive when I call you your name." He grunts in frustration.

"I shouldn't have done that, but you were making me feel small and weak. I can look after myself." I yell at him as we are both fuming.

"Because I was trying to protect you!" He shouts charging forward so he is right in my face. His body is pressed into mine as my back is pushed further against the wall. Both of us instantly relax from our harsh and angry demeanour as we both melt into each other's hold. "She hurt you Sam and I was at the kegger instead of being with you." He whispers softly looking done at me as his tall body towers over mine.

His hands slowly wrap around the bare skin of my waist until he rests them on the small of my back. A shiver runs down my spine feeling his soft skin holding me tightly. I want to tell him that I don't need his protection, but I can't seem to find any words as I feel his warm breath on my face from our close proximity.

I watch intently as his blue eyes jump to my lips and I can't help but stare at his. In the last eight years of friendship this is the closest our bodies have ever been. As he painfully slowly begins to lean closer my hands wrap encouragingly around his biceps. He's about to kiss me. He's so close his breath feathers over my lips.

"Sam! Can you get me some more water?!" John Bs screaming voice breaks us out of our trance. Fuck! Why couldn't I have been an only child? Curse my father for creating such a cockblocker. JJ awkwardly clears his throat and takes a step back, making the heat between us instantly disappear. His eyes avoid mine as I stumble around him to my brothers bedroom.

JJ is drunk, I'm drunk, that is the only explanation for what I think just happened in the lounge room. He doesn't like me the way I wish and that's just something I have to except. We are both drunk and horny there is no reason for me to look so much into this, but as I hear the front door close telling me that JJ has left, I can't help the pang of hurt in my chest.

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