Jealous Sam? (Chapter 5)

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I wake up to the feeling of a warm breath on my neck and an arm wrapped loosely around my waist. Groaning at the sun that is shining through the window next to me, I slowly realise that JJ and I must have fallen asleep on the coach together. I don't dare moving from my spot, not wanting to wake him.

"Morning." He whispers in my ear. Well, I guess he was already awake.

"Morning Jay." I mumble back while closing my eyes again. Right as I am about to be pulled back to the bliss of unconsciousness, I hear the sound of my brother moving through the house. Even though it is completely innocent, the position JJ and I are in could be slightly incriminating to my brother, so I quickly shrug JJ's arm off of me. JJ shuffles behind me just as John B enters the room.

"Yo, guys, you been outside?" He asks as he walks past the two of us on the coach.

"No I haven't." I sleepily groan not bothering to open my eyes.

"I have polio, bro. I can't walk." Jay mumbles into my hair. I slowly let myself roll over to face JJ as John B walks outside.

"We should get up Blondie." I announce while flicking his hair out of his face. I then slowly pull myself up from the bed and walk to the kitchen. I hear JJ follow behind me as I reach into the fridge for two beers. I turn around to find JJ leaning against the kitchen counter, much like last night. "Catch!" I say while softly throwing the beer at him, which he catches with ease. He smiles gratefully and walks to the patio near my brother. I stay behind to see if I had received any messages from my mother but instead, I discover that I have no service. "Great." I groan trying to calm my already building anxiety.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" I hear the voice of JJ as I walk out to stand next to him, facing my brother who is inspecting the damages.

"Yeah, she did."

"Jesus." I mumble looking at the fallen down trees and branches. "I am not cleaning any of this, I'll have to leave that to you JB." He simply rolls his eyes at me while he removes some branches off the HMS. I can feel my hand keep clenching into fists as I try to hide my worry for my mother. But JJ must have noticed because he reaches over and grabs my hand. He slowly rubs his soft fingers over my harsh knuckles and then let's go. I look to him and smile telling him that I'm okay. We both move down the steps towards my brother, as I take a swig of my beer.

"What you thinkin'?" JJ asks the brunette.

"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are going to chase the crab." He replies looking out over the water.

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