'You ate shit!' (Chapter 4)

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Sam's POV 

The wind and rain beats threw my hair as the three of us run along the beach with our boards in hand.

"It's a double overhead out there bro!" I excitedly yell over the sound of the howling wind and the crashing waves.

"Double overhead?" Pope asks in a state of shock and concern. We all stop and face the water, John B and I having excited smiles on our faces while Pope looks like he is about to be sick.

"Those aren't surfable waves guys." Pope glances at us, John B laughing.

"Says who?" John B mumbles in response.

"It's just the rush of life, Pope. Catch it while you can." I smirk as I chase after my brother towards the huge waves. Feeling the cold water against my skin and the struggle of fighting the strong waves, I let out a genuine laugh.

"Sam, let paddle out. The person to catch the biggest wave wins." I smirk at my brothers challenge.

"Prepare to lose JB!" We both race to paddle as far out as we can, fighting the strength of the water threatening to push us back to shore. We both look back at the wave building up behind us, JB starts paddling towards shore. I decide to wait until the next wave. Right as JB goes to stand on his board, his footing becomes unsteady and he is thrown forward into the icy cold water. Feeling a wave of panic rush through me when he didn't resurface straight away, I stare at the water with a lump stuck in my throat. My panic is instantly replaced with a laugh when I see my brothers head spring out of the water.

"Dude, you ate shit!"

"Whatever, I want to see you try." He chuckles.

"Watch and learn Dickhead." I turn to look behind me as a wave just a bit bigger than JB's begins to form. I start paddling as fast as I can, when I finally feel my board being pushed by the wave underneath me. I push myself up to stand on the board and try my best to stay balanced. I keep myself up for a good amount of time and just when I thought I had made it, the back of my board flips forward causing me to go flying like my brother did. I gasp for air once I resurface and can already hear the sound of John B's annoying laugh.

"Who ate shit? Dickhead." I flip him off in response and then pull myself back on my board.

After many more failed attempts of catching a wave, we both decide to call it quits and go back inside. We both run up the beach towards Pope, who is standing there shaking his head at us like a disapproving parent.


A little while later I am laying in my room at the chateau listening to the howling of the hurricane that has now gotten way more violent. JJ came over about an hour ago and John B has since gone to bed. Tossing and turning I decide to give up on falling asleep and see if JJ is still awake. Wrapping myself in my brother Malachai's old sweater and make my way out to the lounge room. I see JJ sprawled out on the pull-out sofa and shirtless. How the hell is he not freezing?

"JJ, are you awake?" I whisper to the blonde, he huffs in response.

"Why? You wanna spoon?" He mumbles into the pillow and I almost roll my eyes instantly.

"HAHA very funny." Sarcasm laced all throughout my voice. "Just forget it." I huff and walk to the kitchen. I grab milk out of the fridge and fill the kettle up with water. When I turn around to start making a cup of tea, JJ is already up and standing there watching me.

"What's wrong Sam?" He tries to look me in the eyes but I focus my attention on the kettle. He crosses his arms over his bare chest and leans up against the kitchen counter.

"Nothing, everything's fine. I shouldn't have woken you." I dismiss his concerned gaze and reach for the tea bags.

"Sam." He gives me a stern look. "Somethings up. You keep clenching your hands into fists which you only do when there is something on your mind and you only ever drink tea when you are stressed out and can't sleep." My jaw almost drops at the fact he know all that, but why wouldn't he? He is my best friend after all. "Tell me what's wrong. Wait, I know! You couldn't sleep because you knew there was a gorgeous and top less blonde in the other room." He says with a shrug which causes me to chuckle slightly. He always knows what to say to make me feel better.

"Shut up! Don't flatter yourself to much JJ, you're barely a 5." He gasps in shock, plastering a fake offended look on his stupid face.

"How dare you, Routledge." He then replaces his shocked facial expression with a small smirk. "I'd give you a 10 easy, if only you did something about that personality of yours." I simply roll my eyes with a small smile now resting on my face.
"So what's really going on?" He asks while getting out two mugs. How did he know I was making one for him?

"I guess I was a little anxious about mum being alone during the storm. It doesn't matter it's stupid." I sigh while pouring the water into the two mugs.

"Hey, that's not stupid."

"It's just really hard without Malachai. At least when he was here, we could take turns making sure she didn't do something stupid, but now it's just me and I'm worried all the time." I huff while pushing my hair out of my face in stress. "I wish I could get through my day without feeling like I have to babysit my drunk of a mother, but then I feel guilty and nervous if I don't."

"Hey, hey, it's okay." He steps forward and pulls me into his bare chest, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and I let mine fall around his waist, holding him close. "You don't have to feel guilty about living your life. Your mothers a big girl, she can look after herself. But if it makes you feel better you can come lay down with me." He whispers comfortingly while slowly rubbing my back as I keep my cheek pressed up against his heart.

"Thank you." I mumble while letting go of my best friend and turning to face the mugs.

"I'll get the honey." JJ says while turning to go find it. He knows that I love honey in my tea. "Go lay on the coach and I'll finish these." He whispers while planting a small kiss on the top of my head. "Thanks Jay." I sigh giving him a small smile.

Ever since the incident, it is like he knows when I'm feeling down and all I need is for him to just be there. I get stages where I feel really down and sometimes all I need is a hug, a small chat or a kiss on the forehead from my best friend to make me feel just a little less hopeless in this big world. 

Thank you so much for reading! Next chapter should be out in the next 24hrs, as well as chapter two of my story 'Wild Ride.' Please check out my tiktok for edits of all my stories (Which will hopefully also give you more context on the feel or how I imagine each story.

TikTok- FallingforStyles_01

Also JJ and Sams friends to loves is going to be amazing and a total roller coaster, so stay tuned!

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 3 <3  

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