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ғʟʏɪɴɢ sʏ ʜɪɢʜ

   𝐈𝐕𝐘'𝐒 𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 was non-existent as she stood beside Wednesday, rain pouring around them, only protected by the umbrella above. It was Mayor Walkers funeral. He died under slight suspicious circumstances.

Ivy was torturing herself, thinking that he had died saving her from being ran over but a deranged killer on a mission. She kept replaying that night again and again, thinking that twice, she had been in that position and it taunted her.

Mayor Walker wasn't all bad. He tried to keep peace between the ordinary townsfolks and the outcasts at Nevermore. Ivy just wished that he was able to have knocked that wall down completely, stopping the praise of Crackstone who obliterated so many innocent witches and warlocks. She wasn't a fan of Lucas, but he didn't deserve to lose his dad, not when she knew that it all connected back to the Gates family.

The priest said beautiful words, but Ivy wasn't listening. Instead, she had her hand latched onto Wednesday's arm, trying to block out the guilt and the fear that anyone could be killed now. No one was safe.

As the funeral came to a slow and gut wrenching end, Wednesday turned cold, attention else where. She mumbled to Ivy, "Stay here." Ivy didn't have time to think as Wednesday was already running off, following the figure weaving through the trees.

Ivy wasn't to sure what she was suppose to do now. Wednesday had left, acting weird. She was on speaking terms with Xavier, but she didn't want to see him, nor Tyler. Enid was with Ajax and Ivy wasn't going to and comfort the empathetic she wolf when she already had someone at her side.

The witch stayed to the side, fidgeting with the handle of the umbrella at her side. It slowly started to stop raining, only the few spatters. She was in a world of her own, zoning out of her surroundings. Well, until a booming voice called out to her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The red head turned, seeing it was Lucas. Tears and rain mixed together as it ran down the cheek of his face. Ivy was wide eyed, mouth agape. "Why did you come here? Hm?" He stored over.

Ivy stepped back, panic settling in. "I-"

Lucas grew closer, quicker. "Are you apologising?" His booming voice alerted those around. His friends started to hurry to the boy, aiming to hold him back cause this was not the place nor the time. Xavier was the first to start heading to Ivy.

"It's your fault. You killed him. You killed my dad!"

Ivy froze, her heart hammering loud enough to echo in her ears. She couldn't speak. Tears started to line her eyes. She didn't kill him. She would do anything to swap places.

"You don't get to cry! He was my dad." Lucas' voice broke. His friends grabbed his arm, trying to tug him back. "It should have been you! Your an abomination! Your all the same!"

Xavier stood beside Ivy, glaring at the Walker boy. He understood he was grieving, but yelling at Ivy wouldn't fix anything. "Hey!"

"Burn in hell, witch!" Lucas continued to yell, catching the attention of principle Weems and Ms. Thornhill. "This is all your fault!"

Lucas' voice started to drown out. Ivy was shaking, her breathing faster, choppy. She tried to calm herself, trying to understand that he was mourning, she knew that feeling all to well. Her eyes flicked between blue and red. She really wished Wednesday was here.

Wait. . . where was Wednesday? Oh, God, what if she's dead. What if she let her go alone in the woods and the monster attacked her. What if. . . Enid tried to call out to her friend, same as Xavier, but it just went through one ear and came out the ear.

"I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry. . . I'm so sorry." She muttered.

"Your not! Your a death charm. It follows wherever the hell you go. We all know it killed your dad! It'll probably kill your girlfriend, too!"

     That was it. Ivy's eyes were scarlet, all her emotion poured out and a wave of telekinetic energy left her. The trees around shook, some echoing as they fell against the floor. Lucas and his friends were pushed back, falling to the floor.

Ivy sucked in a breath, seeing what she did. Her ocean blue eyes blinked back, somehow duller then before. "I'm. . . I'm sorry." She whispered, voice breaking as she stepped back.

Xavier tried to grabbed Ivy's arm, getting her to stay, but she shook her head, pulling her arm out of his grip. The umbrella slipped from her hand as she rushed away from the others. Twigs snapped under her black converses, the wind ruffled through her red locks. She felt like she was drowning internally and she couldn't breath.

Ivy kept running, hoping that she'd somehow run fast enough to be in a different universe, one where she was happy. For a split second she glanced over her shoulder, hoping that Xavier didn't try and follow after like he probably would, when someone grabbed her shoulders, immediately alarming the red head who jumped back with gasp, ready to scream.


She let her gaze fall onto them, letting out a shaky sigh of relief as it was Wednesday. Ivy immediately latched onto Wednesday, hugging her. It took Wednesday by surprise. She didn't like touch. She hated it. Her mother knew that. But this was Ivy, and Wednesday didn't know if she wanted her to let go. "Oh. thank God you're okay." Ivy breathed out.

Ivy stepped back and Wednesday was scanning her face, seeing that her cheeks were red and it looked like she was about to cry. "What's wrong? What happened?" Wednesday had long forgotten about her uncle beside her, all her thoughts were trained on the witch.

"I'm fine. I'm. . . It's me, Wends. I'll always be okay." The witch took a deep breath and that's when she noted the figure in black beside Wednesday. "Um. . . Wends." The red head nodded towards the man.

Wednesday wasn't convinced at all that Ivy was okay. But she also knew her enough to know that the red head wouldn't talk about it. As much as she worried for the witch, she had to push that to the side for the moment. "This is my Uncle Fester."

Ivy smiled, genuinely. She could tell Wednesday was comfortable with him. That in her kooky family, those two were just as crazy as the other. "Hi. I'm Ivy." Oh he could tell the second he saw Ivy that Wednesday was head over heels for her and he couldn't be happier, or sadder, depending on the Addams vocabulary meaning.

Ivy turned back to Wednesday, the raven haired girl changing her concern for emotionless. "Where too?" Ivy wanted to be anywhere else then here.

 "Where too?" Ivy wanted to be anywhere else then here

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