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ᴏʜ, ᴍʏ ʙᴀʙʏ

"𝐈𝐕𝐘! 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄!" 𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍 called out to her daughter from the kitchen. The youngest witch fumbled to stand from her bed, hurrying over to the corded landline on the other side of her room.

The red head picked up the phone to her ear, a grin on lips as she knew exactly who it was.

"Your mother seems delightful."

Ivy chuckled, twisting the cord around her finger. "You have no idea." Sarcasm evident in her voice. "How's Pugsley?"

Ever since they last saw each other, a month or so ago, Wednesday and Ivy would talk on the phone everyday.

      Given, Wednesday didn't like technology, but she missed Ivy, dearly, especially when the witch returned home and she couldn't see the adoring red head any time she wanted.

The day Ivy got back to home, she retreated to her room, smile never falling with her head in the clouds. Love songs written by Taylor Swift played on her record player. As Lover begun to play, the landline in her room rang. Of course it had been Wednesday.

      It then became a routine. Wednesday would call Ivy. The red head would answer with excitement. Wednesday would tell her about what adventure she had that day, weather it being attempting to drop a bowling bowl on a passing Pugsley, or playing archery on defensive little bunnies. Ivy was becoming used to Wednesdays odd ways. But it was what made Wednesday Wednesday.

      "He's miserable."

     Ivy snickered. She got used to the things Wednesday said. The odd hobbies Wednesday did to fill her time, or when she used words like woeful or displeased, Ivy knew it meant the same as when other people would say happy or joyful.

The young witch didn't know how to process everything that happened to her. She spent nights sitting in her room, reading whatever books scattered her shelves, or practicing spells that her grandmother had left her. She felt like since that day, something was off. She felt like half her soul was missing, but replaced with one familiar, not hers.

She didn't want to bother Wednesday. Ivy knew the Addams girl felt bad. No matter how much Wednesday affirmed she was emotionless, Ivy saw right through her. She could tell that when Wednesday asked how she was, saying it was just because it was common curtesy, she noted how the Addams girls voice fell.

      Wednesday blamed herself and Ivy hated that. So, she just kinda. . . lied. Wednesday wasn't made for this. Anyways, It wasn't the best decision she had ever made, but she was okay, physically, at lest.

Ivy picked up the phone by the hook in her free hand, walking back over to her bed.

"How are you?" Wednesday voiced, noticeably more tensed, waiting for Ivy to say no, or to finally yell, demand her to never ring again. Wednesday always feared the worst when she asked. Maybe it would be different this time. Maybe Wednesday would be alone, like she was supposed to, or be pining over Ivy while trying to fill the void by attempting to electrocute her brother.

"I'm fine, Wends. Like always." Ivy sat on her bed, Salem snuggling up beside her.

Wednesday paused for a beat. "Good." She tried to sound cold, unbothered, but she felt a sense of relief as Ivy didn't sound mad nor resentful.

The two began to talk back and forth, telling each other their thoughts and what they did to fill their day. Even though the semester at Nevermore was cancelled, they still had school. Ivy did hers online, trying to avoid leaving the house.

Ivy rarely left her room. She hated to admit it, but the outside scared her. She couldn't trust anybody now. Ivy was fearful that Tyler would just appear and finish what he had started, or surprise her with a limp Wednesday. She thought of every possible outcome for when she leaves her room.

"I still don't understand this." Ivy huffed, staring at her assignment she still needed to do. It was frustrating her and the witch hoped that Wednesday could advise. "Which expression represents the result of this subtraction. . ."

   Wednesday didn't hesitate before answering.

Ivy was stunned. The witch was terrible at maths. She was terrible at most subjects if she was honest. Most words just looked muddled together. It was a surprise that she had't flunked any grade.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Ivy sighed with relief, fixing the random numbers together. Nevermore wasn't just about learning to control your werewolf side, desire for blood, or siren abilities, you also learnt mathematics and literature. Ivy could barely manage her own emotions and magic, figuring out algebra just made her entirely more stressed and pressured.

Wednesday had a hint of a smile on her face, glad Ivy couldn't see it. She would deny it. . . maybe?

The sky begun to darken, showing the sparkling stars that lined the sky. The two had been on the phone for hours. "I think it's nice that we share the same sky. . . the stars and the moon." Ivy voiced, softly. The witch was sat on her window seal, looking out the glass to watch the glistening constellations and the falling raindrops.

"What do you mean?"

Ivy traced the falling droplets from the other side of the glass. "Well, when I'm here and your there, I know that I can just look up at the sky, and know that we both see the same planet." Ivy tucked her red hair behind her ear. "Even though we aren't together. . . we still are, in a way."

Ivy heard a ruffle on the other end, then a moment later she heard Wednesday's voice. "Are you looking at the moon now?"

Ivy's ocean blue eyes flickered up to the glowing crescent. "Mm-hm."

It didn't matter in the end if Wednesday was kooky or a little odd. If she was miles away. Ivy and Wednesday were meant to be. Not different states, or oceans. Not even the line between life and death could keep them apart. The history books only told a short part of the greatest love story.

It was a folklore of love.

Of fate and destiny.

                   Of fate and destiny

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