Chapter 3 - Dress

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"Nora, are you coming for a walk?" Newt asked, pulling me up after dinner.

I nodded and already knew what was going to happen. Newt was gonna check my wrists and I hated every second of it. Every time he did it I felt worse. Of course, he cared about me, but it didn't make me feel much better.

"Can you show me your wrists?" Newt asked once we stood on the sand, close to the sea.

I nodded and show him my wrists. "You're acting like Logan," I muttered, so quiet that Newt could barely hear it.

I knew that Newt hated the way Logan 'treated' me, but he was doing the exact same thing. He was also forcing me to show my wrists, just like Logan. I hated it. Yeah, sure, they 'cared about me', but still.

"What did you say?" Newt carefully asked. I guessed he actually didn't hear me.

"Nothing." I bit my lip.

"No, tell me what you said, please love," Newt replied almost impatiently.

"It was nothing, Newt," I repeated, walking away.


We were barely a week in the Safe Haven and I already felt just as worse as in the Glade. Some moments made me happy, but nothing could get me over all those deaths. I still felt guilty.

Newt and I lay down in the bed. I turned so my back faced Newt. He didn't hesitate to move closer to me and wrap his arms around me, burying his head in my hair.

"You okay, love?" Newt quietly asked.

"Yeah," I replied, my voice cracking. "I'm just a bit sad about Chuck and everyone," I added, honest for once.

Newt grabbed my waist and turned me around, looking me in the eyes.

"I can't get over their... deaths," I explained, tears already forming in my eyes. "Especially Chuck."

"You don't have to get over their deaths, love." Newt started. "It's okay if you can't. Just remember you can always talk to me, alright? About anything."

Slowly I nodded and bit my lip, trying to stop the tears from falling. I felt so weak and lame.


I had a day off the next day and decided to go check on Liana to see if my dress was ready. I wondered if I would ever wear it, but decided I had to. Otherwise, it would be sad for Liana and I would be kind of ungrateful.

"Nora! Good to see you! I'm just finishing off the last stuff." Liana smiled once she saw me walking into the hut. I smiled at her too and watched her work. I could only see black fabric, but couldn't imagine what the dress would look like.

With her tongue out of her mouth, Liana worked on my dress. I admired how she did everything so fast. "Almost done." She announced. After about ten minutes, she stopped working. "Alright. I'm done. Do you want to see it?"

I nodded.

Liana smiled and held up the dress. My mouth fell open at the beautiful clothing. It was a black dress with some diamond stones here and there. The top of the dress was a very deep v-neck. The dress was quite short. Though I loved how it looked, I knew I would never wear it in front of boys like Minho.

"Wow." I stammered. "It's beautiful, Liana. How did you do that? The dress looks amazing."

Liana smiled and looked down, her cheeks turning slightly red. "It's not a big deal. I'm glad you like it. Now put it on!" She ordered.

Hesitantly I grabbed the dress out of her hands and put it on. When I came out of the small fitting room, I put my arms behind my back in order to hide the scars and cuts that were still on my wrist. Liana's face lit up.

"Oh my gosh! You look so good! Newt is gonna love it!" Liana clapped her hands in excitement. "Hold on. I'm getting you a mirror."

Liana grabbed a big mirror out of a corner and put it against the wall. "And?" She motioned for me to look.

My mouth fell open. The dress fit me perfectly. I have to admit it looked quite good on me. Just the right size, but it was so revealing. "It's really nice, Liana. But I'm not sure if I can wear it." I mumbled.

"Why not? Don't be so insecure and show those Sticks something!" Liana defended. "It fits you perfectly! I'm going to ask for a party tonight. You're gonna wear it or else I'll never make any clothes for you ever again!"

I laughed a little. "Alright." I finally agreed with a sigh. "But not the whole night. Minho's gonna laugh at me."

"Mean hoes always do that," Liana argued. "So you show him the body you have been hiding. Alright?"

"Okay." I sighed.



"Moody?" Minho grinned at me once it was lunchtime.

I mumbled something in response. "I'm not moody."

"You look moody. What's wrong?" Minho asked.

"Liana, who I guess is my friend, made me a dress. It's really beautiful, but I can't wear it." I explained.

"A dress? You?" Minho laughed out loud, but once he saw my face he stopped. "Sorry."

"Why can't you wear it?" Frypan, who sat next to Minho, asked.

"Because it's revealing and you are going to laugh at me. I never wear dresses!" I sighed.

"Just do it." Minho shrugged. "I wouldn't care, and..." he bent closer to my ear. "I don't think Newt would mind either." He whispered. "Might as well give him some... problems."

I hit the back of his head. "Shut up about his problems!"

Minho chuckled and raised his eyebrows. "Don't you want to impress him?"

I hesitated. "Maybe."
It would be nice to impress Newt, but there was just one problem.

"Then what is the problem?" Minho asked. "I say you wear it."

I bit my lip. "But- Minho..." I tried to give him a hint, but he didn't seem to understand. I held my arm in front of his face, but he still didn't understand. That dumb shank. "My wrist?" I whispered.

Minho's face darkened once he understood what I was afraid of. "Oh." He mumbled.

I still couldn't just walk in public with the cuts and scars my wrist revealed like it was nothing.

Frypan didn't say anything, luckily. I appreciated him for that.
"I think you should still wear it." Minho finally said. "Look, I know it might be hard. But no one is going to ask about it. And if they do I will beat the klunk out of them. All right? Be confident and wear the shucking dress so you can give Newt problems!" He almost shouted the last words.

Some people looked at Minho. Just then Newt sat down at our table. His face was bright red and flushed with anger. "Thank you very much, Minho." He grumbled.

"That's my job." Minho grinned annoyingly.

"What were you talking about anyways?" Newt asked, ignoring Minho.

"Nothing." I quickly said, glancing at Minho. He smiled lightly and seemed very excited about tonight.

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