Chapter 47 - Stronger

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The second after I got in our hut, Newt rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and took the familiar, comfortable smell again.

"Are you gonna keep beating everyone who does something to me?" I asked once we let go.

Newt seemed thoughtful for a second. "Yes." He replied in full confidence.

"I can perfectly protect myself, you know." I reminded Newt. Of course, I knew I couldn't handle a Crank, but I was able to fight Minho, right?

"Oh, I bet you can," Newt said, way too sarcastic.

"And I can easily beat you."

Newt rubbed his chin. "Hmm. I remember you saying that back in the Glade."

I remembered it too. Newt lifted me over his shoulder and I had thrown water off his head as revenge.

"I'm much stronger now," I responded.

Newt raised his eyebrows. "Alright. Let's see."

"Do you think I can't beat you?" I questioned, offended.

"Didn't say that." Newt corrected.

I balled my fist, ready to punch Newt. Of course, I wasn't going to hit him hard. Just a punch in the shoulder. Just when I was about to do it, Newt grabbed my fist and looked me in the eyes. I couldn't move my hand anymore, so I used my other hand, but Newt grabbed it too.

He held a strong grip on me, almost making it impossible for me to escape. Then Newt twisted us around so our faces were inches away from each other.

I bit my lip and moved even closer to Newt, almost kissing him.

"Nah ah ah, that cute little trick of yours ain't gonna work today," Newt said, proud of himself since he noticed what I was trying to do.

When I actually connected our lips, Newt tensed up but then responded. I watched his eyes close and almost grinned through the kiss. It was still working.

After a few seconds, Newt let go off of my fists and moved his hands towards my waist. I trailed my hand over his back. Normally I would've slid it into his hair, but instead, I hit the back of his head. Newt pulled away, breathless for a second.

"Unfair." He pouted like a child.

"You said it wasn't going to work, but it did." I grinned.

"You only use your brain to fight." Newt defended. "Just like you did with Gally back in the Glade, so it's not fair."

"I did win with Gally," I said, looking up at Newt. It was hard to be this close to him and not lose my attention on our conversation, to be honest. "I never saw you wrestling with Gally anyways, so don't act so tough!"

"Oh, but I did." Newt smiled. "Way back, when I was just a few months in the Glade."


"I won." Newt gave me a crooked smile. "I totally ended Gally and man, he was embarrassed. I beat the klunk out of him."

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe you. I'm gonna ask Minho tomorrow."

"And I fought Logan," Newt added. "Twice."

"You didn't win. Neither of you did." I sighed at the thought of the two boys fighting.

"Just admit that I'm stronger than you." Newt smiled.

"Alright. You're stronger, but..." I dramatically paused. "I'm better with guns and bows."

"And who said that?"



"So Minho." I started the next morning. "Newt told me he fought Gally back in the maze. Is that true?"

A smirk formed on Minho's face. "That's right. He did."

"And? Did he win?"

Newt's face turned bright red while the smirk on Minho's face only grew bigger.

"No. Gally beat the klunk out of him. Seriously. His nose was bleeding and he even had to wear a few band-aids the next day." Minho explained.

I turned to Newt, offended. "Liar! You said you won!"


A/N: Sorry this is short 😬

When I started writing the 4th book of Redamancy I didn't expect so many people to read this!
I just wanted to say thank you for that! I hope y'all are still enjoying this ❤️

The story is already getting a lot longer than I planned it to be, so I'm running out of ideas! If you have them, please feel free to give as many as you want! 🫶 Have a nice day/night!

And Thomas-Brodie Sangster his birthday is tomorrow!! Ieeee!

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