Chapter 26 - Tired

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Literally nothing interesting was happening in the Safe Haven, which annoyed me a bit. I had no distractions, so only thought about the Crank all the time. Newt had been talking to Sonya more and I could see Minho and Mivy growing closer, but I stayed out of it, trying to feel better.
To my surprise, I wasn't tired at all. Maybe a little bit, but I wasn't yawning nonstop or things like that.

Again, I stayed awake at night. Newt was already sleeping and I felt bad for not telling him, but it wouldn't make a difference. Newt wouldn't be able to fix it either. I just had to get over it myself. Newt started moving around again, managing to lie upside down. I sighed and moved closer to him again, afraid of whatever.


It was the third day after the accident, long enough to get rid of those stupid visions and stuff.

"Nora, wake up," Newt whispered the next morning. Of course, I wasn't asleep, just pretending. "Hey." He smiled once I opened my eyes.

"Morning." I groaned and climbed out of the bed myself. Newt watched me carefully before doing the same.

"Sleep well?" Newt questioned as he got dressed.

My eyes opened wide and my heart started beating faster. Lying was never my best ability. "Yeah," I replied, luckily without a cracking voice. "What about you?"

"Great." Newt smiled again.


"So how is it going with this Mivy?" I asked Minho at breakfast.

Minho tensed up a bit, something I didn't expect. "I don't know." He sighed. I raised my eyebrows. "We went on a walk earlier.

A grin appeared on my face.
"Did you like it?" Logan questioned.

"I like her, but I'm not sure..." Minho trailed off. I got more confused by the second, but let go of it.

Logan bent closer to my ear. "Did you sleep well?" He wondered.

"Yeah. I did. What about you?" I quickly responded, not feeling like telling Logan about everything. He probably had enough worries too.

"I slept fine. But Nora, you look a bit tired." Logan commented. "You have had bags around your eyes since yesterday."

"I'm just having some dreams." I lied right in his face. "But Newt helps me with them."


Newt told me I couldn't work yet, so I didn't and basically wandered around the whole day. And just as usual, I lay in bed next to Newt at night.

"Are you okay?" Newt whispered, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm fine." I simply responded. "Are you?"

"Me too." Newt paused. "I talked to Sonya today and yesterday. It's very nice."

I smiled lightly, but it also hurt. Newt and Sonya being together made me realize how much I missed Chuck. He was like a sibling to me too. A dark feeling formed in my stomach by thinking about Chuck, but I ignored it.

"What's wrong, love?" Newt gently asked once he saw my face.

"Nothing." I quickly said, not wanting to be selfish and ruin Newt's moments with Sonya just because I grief about Chuck. Newt didn't seem completely convinced, but he nodded.

"Good night, love."

"Good night, lizard."


Staring at the ceiling the whole night wasn't so fun. No matter how hard I tried and how exhausted I was, I couldn't fall asleep or even close my eyes.  Though I was getting tired at this point, I couldn't fall asleep.

Eventually, I climbed out of bed and started walking around in the dark Safe Haven. Slowly the sun was coming up, making the sky orange and pink, which looked very beautiful and peaceful to me.

Then I realized something Liana had said. She had makeup in her Sew Hut. If I just got something like concealer or whatever it was called, I could cover up my eye bags. Maybe it was stealing, I don't know, but Liana wouldn't get angry at me, right? She wouldn't even have to find out.

I searched through her makeup and it surprised me how much she had. Finally, I found something that looked like my skin tone, so I grabbed it and walked over to the bathroom. I felt bad for taking it but didn't want anyone to find out about my sleep problems either.

I looked in the mirror and turned out, Logan was right. There were dark bags under my eyes, very visible and it shocked me that Newt never said anything about it. Without knowing what to do, I tried to put the makeup on and blend it out with my finger. It didn't look perfect, but no one would notice.


"Where were you?" Newt immediately asked when I joined them for breakfast.

"Bathroom." I simply answered as I sat down. Logan looked at my face a little too long but eventually looked away. I rested my head on my hand and started eating, slowly trailing off in my thoughts or maybe just the tiredness.

Was I supposed to tell Newt? If I did it wouldn't make a difference. He couldn't do anything about it either. Was it ever going to stop? Would I dare to go in the woods again? Did Logan notice something about me?

"Nora!" Someone snapped their fingers in front of me. I shook out of my thoughts and looked up, blinking a few times.

"Yes?" I casually questioned.

"We were wondering if you were still alive," Minho explained, chuckling lightly.

"It's a nice table." I laughed it off, the typical excuse I had used in the Glade too. Logan frowned deeply, but again, didn't mention it. A bit nervous I kept eating.

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