Chapter 11 - Roses And Realizes

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A/N: Okay so this is quite random but multiple people gave me the idea to make an epilogue where Newt and Nora have kids! I just wanted to ask your opinions on it, so I can consider writing it. The reason I do this is because some people might not find it fitting into the Maze Runner fandom/fanfics/this story, but I personally think it could be kind of cute and since it's just an epilogue it won't be a very big part of the story. Let me know!


I woke up with a small cry to my side. Immediately I sat straight up and looked at Newt, whose face was almost completely under the blanket. I frowned and watched the boy twist and turn in his sleep.

"Newt?" I carefully whispered. Newt let out some more cries and yelps. Shocked I stared at him, not knowing what to do for a second. Finally, I realized I had to wake him up, but just then Newt let out a loud scream and sat straight up. He started panting heavily. Sweat dripped down his forehead, but his eyes opened.

"Newt, you're alright." I put my hand on his shoulder. Newt spun his head around and inspected my face, but then his gaze softened. "It was just a dream." I bent over and hugged Newt tightly.

"Thanks," Newt mumbled, probably upset about his nightmare.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked once we let go again.

"Rather not," Newt replied, lying back down again.

I followed his example. "Okay." I nodded and motioned for Newt to get closer to me. He obeyed and lay his head on my stomach. I slid my hand into Newt's hair and slowly drew circles like he always did to me.

"I like this," Newt whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and quickly fell asleep again.


I woke up again. Daylight blinded me for a few seconds, but then I was able to see again. Newt's head lay on my chest and the rest of his body was on mine too. By this time I noticed Newt shifted a lot during the night. Most of the time we slept next to each other we ended up in a very different position. One time Newt even managed to lay on the opposite side of the bed, so his feet faced me and his head the wall.

"Newt?" I trailed my finger onto his jawline. "Wake up."
Newt let out some groans and tightened his grip on me. "Are we going to do this again?" I muttered under my breath. Then I thought about something that happened in the Glade once too. With some effort, I managed to press my lips onto Newt's. His eyes shot open and he immediately kissed back, but then I pulled away.

"That's not fair." Newt groaned and looked at me with his sleepy eyes. I chuckled and climbed out of our bed.


"I see Kristina isn't here." I sighed as Newt and I joined Minho and Liana for breakfast.

"She doesn't dare to come out of her hut again because you bruised her face." Liana giggled lightly.

Minho raised his eyebrows. "Did I miss something?"

I chuckled and looked up when someone else sat down. Logan. "Hey." I casually greeted.

Newt tensed up next to me. "Morning." Logan groaned with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Obviously, it had something to do with the previous night.

"Your boyfriend over there beat the shit out of me," Logan murmured. I saw a smile forming on Newt's face, but I gave him a warning glance.

"Where are you hurt?" I asked.


"Show it."

Logan sighed and lifted his shirt. I almost gasped. His whole lower stomach was blue with bruises. I gave Newt another glance.

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