Chapter 5 - Mission Completed

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Warning - this chapter contains a bit of spice! Might be cringey :)


You didn't cover your wrists." Newt quietly commented. "That's good of you, love."

I nodded and smiled lightly. "Thanks."

"All right. You two, get up!" Liana ordered. I and Newt got off the bench we sat on. "You know what I did?"

"No." I laughed. "What did you do?"

"I asked Alexandra to-."

"Who's Alexandra?" Newt interrupted.

"A girl from my group." Liana quickly said. "Anyways, I asked her to play a song on her violin."

"You did what?" I and Newt asked in unison.

"She's playing a slow song, which means, you have to dance! Come on, lovers. I did it for you two! Don't tell me you're not going to slow dance."

Newt got up from the bench. Liana whispered something in his ear I couldn't understand. Newt slowly nodded and faced me again.

"Nora," he held out his hand. "Will you dance with me?"

I chuckled lightly and took his hand. "Of course I will, lizard."
Newt smiled and took me with him.
"But I can't dance." I reminded him.

"I can't either." Newt laughed. "We'll manage to do it."

Newt put his hands on my waist, which immediately made my body tingle and my cheeks heat up. I put my hands together behind his shoulders, which I almost had to tip-toe for. Our height was still a very big difference. Then the music started.

"Oh my-." I sighed, almost embarrassed.

"Come on, Nora." Newt gave me a stern glance. "You agreed to dance with me."

I smiled and slowly started moving my feet. "Sorry." I apologized when I accidentally stepped on Newt's foot.

"It's alright." Newt chuckled. Soon I forgot the whole world around me and only focused on Newt and the music. It was amazing after all.

"Did I already tell you how beautiful you look?" Newt quietly asked.

"Mhm, I think you did five times already," I replied with a chuckle.

Newt smiled. "Well, you look very beautiful."

"Thank you." I blushed. "Logan did a great job on your clothes too. But you're always handsome, especially right now."

Newt gave me a crooked smile. "You're always beautiful, especially right now."

I gave Newt another big smile. "This is kind of great." I sighed.

"It is." He replied. "Why didn't we do this in the Glade?"

"Because we were in a maze, remember?" I reminded him with a laugh.

"Oh, of course." Newt realized jokingly.

I lay my head down on his shoulder and kept dancing, our bodies just inches away from each other. "I love you, Newt."

"I love you too." Newt cupped my face and kissed me. Immediately I was hypnotized again. He was just so perfect.

After a while the song stopped playing, causing us to sit down on the bench again. I have to admit that my legs kind of hurt after dancing for a while. Then I noticed Liana and Logan sitting next to each other. Logan closely watched her face as she kept talking very excited, as always.

"I see some more lovebirds," Newt commented, looking at the girl and boy too.

I smiled. "I guess so. That's another mission." I blurted out.

Newt frowned. "Another mission?"

"Oops." I put my hand on my mouth to cover my laugh.

"And what is the mission, Miss. Nora?" Newt mocked.

"To make Logan and Liana fall in love," I replied.

Newt chuckled. "I mean the other mission."

"That's a secret for you to find out."

"It would be easier to just tell me." Newt sternly responded.

"Hmmm, no. Now it's your turn to feel what it's like when someone won't tell you something."

"Lovebirds!" Minho ran over to us. "Is the mission completed?" He stumbled over his words, making me realize he was drunk.

"Not yet, Minho," I replied. "I'm working on it, alright?" I lied. Of course I wasn't going to give Newt underwear problems on purpose.

"You better!" Minho raised his voice and had to hold onto the bench since he would fall over if he didn't. "Try your best." He added. "I need another drink." He mumbled before walking away again.

"What's the mission?" Newt impatiently asked.

"I'll tell you in our hut," I smirked.


Newt and I arrived in our hut. Slowly I started putting out my clothes, leaving me in just my underwear. Newt raised his eyebrows but followed my example and lay down in the bed. He motioned for me to lay in his arms, but instead, I sat down right on top of him.

"What are you-." Newt got interrupted by me pressing my lips on his.

"Completing the mission." I smiled and kept kissing him.

"Aha," Newt said through our kisses. "Naughty."

I chuckled and turned us over, so Newt was on top. Instead of my lips, he trailed down to my neck and placed wet kisses on it. I let out a whimper at the awesome feeling.

I interrupted Newt by kissing him on the lips again. Slowly I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling out bodies even closer to each other if that was possible.

Suddenly my eyes opened wide when I felt something. "I think the mission is completed," I whispered.

Newt's face turned bright red. "I guess it did."

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