Chapter 10 - Apologies

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"Yes?" Logan asked. Then I recognized Liana's voice. She was in his hut too.

"Ooh, uh, never mind." I tried to hide the pain in my voice. I didn't want to ruin the two their moment.

"No, it's alright." Liana sweetly said.

"You can come in, Nora," Logan added.
I opened the door and walked into Logan's hut, which looked the same as Liana's. "What's wrong?" Logan asked. They both sat on the bed. I guessed they were just talking.

"I, uhm.." I took a deep breath. "I did it again. I cut. And I thought just being honest would be... you know, the best." I mumbled.

Liana gave me a weak smile and got up to grab my hand and pull me onto Logan's bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "Why did you do it?"

Logan looked at me. The hurt was clearly visible on his face. Immediately I felt bad. "Kristina is acting stupid and Newt is just... distant. He only seems to care about that girl now." I felt lame.

"Newt?" Logan repeated. "It's his fault." He realized.

"No, no, no. Logan, it's not his fault. He didn't do anything." I quickly said.

Logan clenched his jaw before speaking. "It's his fault."

"It's not, Logan."

"I'm gonna kill that piece of klunk," Logan muttered as he roughly got up from his seat.

Wait, Logan!" Panicked Liana and I ran after the boy, but he already disappeared.

"Shit," I muttered. I realized it was not going to end well if Logan found Newt.

After a few minutes, I heard some grunts coming from a certain place. I glanced at Liana and nodded, rushing over to the place, just to see Newt and Logan fighting again. Of course, Kirsten stood next to them with a big grin on her face.

"Isn't this entertaining?" She smiled at me. I bit my lip and ran over to her, roughly pushing her onto the ground. It wasn't the best idea, but I got angry at her too now. She couldn't just steal Newt from me.

I heard a few painful grunts coming from Newt and Logan but only cared about Kirsten. I jumped on top of her and hit her in the face. She let out a yelp.

"Newt!" She yelled. "Help!"

It only made me angrier. Newt wasn't going to help her. Kirsten kicked me off her with her knee and jumped on top of me instead. I tried to fight her, while she was hitting with her arms everywhere. Kirsten looked like a dumb chicken trying to fight. I elbowed her right in the nose and she let out a cry.

"Newt!" Logan groaned next to us. "Stop! Nora is-." He grunted, probably interrupted by Newt punching him. "You need to help Nora." He managed to say. Newt finally seemed to stop punching, but most of my attention was drawn to Kirsten. I heard a bit of their conversation, though.

"Your shucking girlfriend is fighting with a girl and you only care about punching me?" Logan screamed out loud. "She's your girlfriend, Newt! Do I have to remind you of that? Kirsten is not your friend, let alone your girlfriend. She's a bitch and only tries to steal you! How do you even believe all the shit she talks? Don't you get how much you hurt Nora with this? She cut herself again only because you-." Logan got cut off by Newt giving him another punch, but then Newt stopped and didn't say anything.

In the meanwhile, I gave Kirsten some more punches, but when she suddenly grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly, I cried in pain and almost screamed it out. Someone roughly pushed Kirsten off me and pulled me up. It was Newt. Angry I stared at him, waiting for him to say anything.

"Let's go." Newt grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I gave Logan and Liana a last glance before leaving. Once we stood in our hut, we were both silent for a while.

"So you cut again?" Newt finally asked.

"Yes," I mumbled, looking at the floor.


"Because Kristina is a bitch! She kept saying rude things about me and my wrists. Telling me I was weak, that you didn't love me, that kind of stuff." I waited for Newt to respond.

"She said that?" Newt frowned.

"Yes!" I almost screamed in frustration. "And you don't even see it! Don't you get it? She's trying to steal you by flirting with you and making fun of me."

Newt didn't reply for a few seconds. "Sorry." He finally apologized. "She told me she hurt herself too and-."

"So she used that kind of thing to impress you?" I asked, stunned by how rude some people could be.

"I guess." Newt started. "And I had a bit of a hard time too, so I needed some more distraction, which made me not be able to think straight."

Now it was my time to feel bad. Newt was having a hard time and I didn't even notice it. "What happened?" I grabbed his hand and walked closer to him.

"I've been thinking about Sonya a lot. I'm just scared that she won't remember me... but I do remember her." Newt explained.

"We'll get her to remember." I decided. "Alright? Don't worry."

Newt nodded. "Sorry again." He apologized. "Are you hurt?"

"No. She fights like a dumb chicken. Are you hurt?"

Newt chuckled lightly. "A little, but it will be fine. I deserved it."

"You kind of did."

Newt gave me an offended stare, which I laughed about.

When I got in bed and turned so my back faced Newt, he grabbed my waist and started spooning me. I sighed lightly but didn't resist. "Night."

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