Chapter 24 - Waking Up

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The whole time I kept running. I had to get Nora to the Haven before it was too late, no matter how tired my legs were or how out of breath I was. With tears still in my eyes, I ran into the Med Hut, but no one was there. Probably because it was so late already.

Panicked I lay Nora down on the white sheets, which turned red. I rubbed my chin and stared at Nora for a few seconds. Multiple cuts were visible by the faint light in the Med Hut. I had to clean them. I had seen the Med-Jacks do it in the Glade and I didn't have the patience to wait for the others. I had to do it on my own.

As I grabbed some stuff, thoughts overflowed my head. Did she do it to herself? Or the Crank? Where did the Crank come from? How did it get here? Who is it? Did Nora kill the Crank?

I grabbed a bowl of water, cloths, bandages, band-aids, and scissors. After cutting Nora's shirt open, I stared at her. A deep wound was in her stomach, along with some cuts and a smaller stab was in her chest. Some weird triangle-shaped wounds were on her stomach too. Quickly I wet the cloth and started cleaning.

Gently I dabbed around the wounds, washing the blood away. Some of it still came out of the stab, but I wrapped a bandage around them.

In the meanwhile, Nora was wincing and crying. Tears streamed down her face, even though she was unconscious. I felt so bad and guilty for hurting her, but she had to be cleaned. Who knew how long she had been in this state?

With a bad feeling in my stomach, I went on with Nora's legs, which had deep cuts in them. I guessed the stabs and cuts were from the knife and the triangle shapes ones from the arrow. It hurt me so badly to see what that Crank or whoever did to Nora.

Thomas rushed into the hut and stared at Nora for a few seconds. I noticed his breathing hitching in his throat. "I think she's alive." I quickly said.

The boy let out a relieved sigh.


The next morning I watched Nora's chest move up and down in a steady way. It reminded me of the time Nora was unconscious in the Glade, but it was a little different, though. I guessed the fact that this time Nora didn't do it to herself, relieved me. But after all, I never knew what actually happened. Maybe she did do it to herself, but I doubted that.

Luckily Jorge gave the doctors an explanation of why there was a girl in their bed out of a sudden. Soon Minho and Thomas walked into the hut. Thomas handed me a plate.

"Thanks, Tommy."

He gave me a nod and looked at Nora. "Logan didn't want to come."

"Why not?" I frowned. I knew Nora was important to Logan, so why wouldn't he check on her?

"Said he didn't want to see her in this state again." Minho sighed.

"Twat." I mumbled. The two boys didn't reply.

"Liana doesn't know about it yet. Should we tell her?" Thomas wondered out loud as he sat down next to me.

"She deserves to know." I simply replied.

"We'll go tell her."


About half an hour later, the two boys left for lunch and so did the doctors. Just then Nora let out a small cry. Immediately I got up and watched her closely.

"Nora?" I whispered. My breathing fastened when she slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times. Then she looked at me with her beautiful brown-greenish eyes. I had always secretly admired her eyes a lot, maybe it was my favorite part of her face, plus her smile. I loved her smile. It was so cute and perfect, almost breathtaking to me. Though somehow I never dared to mention these things to her or anyone else. Quite lame.

"Newt." Nora breathed, her eyes getting watery. I bent down and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry." Nora cried on my shoulder. "I tried to run, but the Crank kept attacking and now I killed it and it hurts, Newt, my whole body." She said in one breath.

"It's okay." I put my hand on the back of her head as I still hugged her. "You're alright, love."

Nora sobbed for a few more seconds. When she let go of me she quickly wiped the tears away.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Nora nodded and started explaining with a shaky voice. By the time she was done, tears streamed down my face. I felt so bad for her. It must've hurt like hell and there was no one there to help her.

"This is the fourth time you saved my life, Newt." Nora laughed through her tears. "Thank you for that."


A/N: Sorry this is so short.

Here are some random questions if you feel like answering them! I want to get to know you guys even better :)

- What is your favorite show and movie?

Mine is Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner of course!

- How are you doing?

Right now I'm doing great.

- What are your hobbies?

Mine are writing, swimming, reading, and sometimes making jewelry. I also like to edit and post it on TikTok!

- Who is your favorite celebrity?

I love Thomas-Brodie Sangster, but Dylan O'Brien for sure is my favorite!

- Would you rather spend a night in the maze or a week in the Scorch?

I love to run, so I guess maze!

- What job would you want in the Glade?

As I said, I love to run, but idk if I would survive the maze. Otherwise, I would be either a Med-Jack or Track-Hoe.

- Would you rather date Newt or Minho?

Newt all the way. (If he was straight. Otherwise Minho!!)

- Who would you like to share the telepathy thoughts with? (What Thomas and Teresa can do in the books)

I would say Minho and most likely laugh all the time if he said something in my mind! Even in serious situations...

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