Chapter 34 - Another Sleepover

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A/N: Credits to Rose_Summer7  for the sleepover idea!! ❤️


I'm so excited!" Liana screamed as she motioned for me to come into her hut. Mivy was already there, sitting on the bed and smiling at me. "Okay, so I got some mattresses for you guys, unless you want to sleep in my bed, it's whatever you decide! I also got food and drinks if you want. We're doing face masks, which I have left from the maze. And yes, the girls there had face masks." Liana explained.

"Okay." I stammered, a bit taken back by her enthusiasm and plans.

"And we're gonna gossip!" Liana added. "Now sit down, Nor! We're not acting sad today!"

I gave her a poor smile and sat down.

"Want one?" Mivy held a bag of chips in front of my face.

"No, thanks." I shook my head. The weird feeling in my stomach was still there and I didn't feel like eating.

What if I get a hallucination in front of Mivy and Liana? Or nightmare? That would be embarrassing.

"Starting with the face masks! Normally we would've scared Minho with these, but since it's a girls night, we're not doing that." Liana handed me and Mivy a tissue mask. The girl definitely tried her best on everything.

I looked at the slimy mask in my hands before putting it on my face. It was cold, but relaxing. "This is the first face mask I remember wearing," I commented.

Liana chuckled and made herself comfortable on her bed. "So Mivy... do you have a crush?"

"A crush?" Mivy turned nervous instead of reacting sassy. "No, of course not. No one in here is my type!"

I raised my eyebrows and Liana let out an obvious cough. "No Mean Hoes?"

"Maybe a little bit..." Mivy blurted out. "But he's so..."





"No." Mivy sighed. "He's okay. But I'm sure he doesn't like me back."

"Of course he likes you back!" I defended.

"We'll set you up," Liana suggested.

"Set us up?" Mivy repeated, offended.

"We could get Minho back." Liana winked at me.

"Yes! Logan, Minho, and Gally locked me and Newt in a hut once." I explained. "So Newt and I took revenge, but we wanted to involve Minho, so we let Logan and Liana go on a walk together."

"You did that?" Liana gasped.

I grinned at her and turned to Mivy again. "We'll make the first move."

"We'll see." Mivy sighed. After about five minutes, we heard some noises outside.

"Logan, watch out you slinthead! You're standing on my toes!" A boy, who sounded exactly like Newt, whisper-screamed.

"If you guys want to overhear those girls, then you better stop bickering, idiots!" Minho replied.

"Ow, Newt! There was no need to smack me in the face!" Logan quietly screamed.

"It was an accident!"

"No, it wasn't! Even Minho saw it wasn't! You're hurting me on purpose!"

"Slim it and listen! I want to hear this!" Minho responded.

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