Chapter 44 - "We Are Busy"

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Warning?! Make out scene 🤗 I don't know if I need to warn you for that, but I did 🤷‍♀️

And I also don't know if this is cringe. Big chance, so please let me know what you think of it! Enjoy!


Do you know what I did today?" Newt grinned once we lay in our bed at night.

"Well?" I asked when Newt didn't continue my.

"I convinced Gally he would make us a bathroom with some other Builders."

I gasped and sat straight up. "You did?"

"Mhm. But there was a cost." Newt's face turned mysterious.

"What's the cost?" I wondered out loud.

"Gally wanted to spend a night with you at the beach." Newt sighed loudly. "But I agreed. I want a bathroom."

Shocked I stared at Newt as I shot straight up. "You did what?" I said, offended. "Just because you want a bathroom doesn't mean you can set dates for me with guys I don't even like that much! What kind of way of treating me is that?!"

A sly smirk grew on Newt's face. "I was just kidding. But we do get a bathroom! No cost."

"That was not funny," I grumbled as I lay down next to Newt again. "But thanks for getting us a bathroom, I guess."

"You're welcome." Newt chuckled lightly. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but shot them right open when I felt something tickle my ear.

"Newt, what are you doing?" I snapped.

"Hmm?" Newt slowly trailed his lips down to my jaw instead of my ear. My breathing hitched in my throat at the touch. I still wondered how Newt could have so much impact on me. Newt made very gentle movements, his lips barely touching my skin. I held my breath, almost hypnotized.


"Don't forget to breathe, love," Newt said, still trailing down my jaw, slowly. Too slow. I roughly cupped Newt's face, impatiently pulling him on top of me, and pressed my lips onto his, hard.

"Someone's getting a little rough." Newt chuckled through the kiss. I ignored him and kept kissing, my hand clenching on Newt's shirt, the other one still on his cheek. Newt's eyes sparkled in the faint light, making me feel even more fluttered.

Newt rolled us over so I would be on top, but we kind of forgot the bed had an end. Together we fell off the edge, on the ground. Both of us groaned but quickly got on our feet again. It didn't really hurt, or I just didn't care.

At first, Newt looked unsure, running a hand through his messy hair, until he walked closer and kissed me again. The sensation going through my body was amazing. Slowly we took steps backward until my back hit the wall.

Newt kept making out rougher than usual. One of his hands was on my hip, the other one on my neck. My legs wrapped around Newt's waist, who immediately embraced me.

We broke our contact for a second. I looked down at my hands, which held Newt's shirt. I raised my eyebrows, and he nodded. Soon his shirt was tugged off. I stared at his abs for a few seconds, but when Newt started kissing my neck, I pulled him closer, if that was even possible.

A small sound escaped from my mouth when Newt hit the certain spot he always hit. He kept going and going. "Shit, Newt." I breathed through the awesome feeling. "That's gonna leave marks."

Newt grinned and kept going until I lifted his head up. "My turn."
Newt raised his eyebrows again. Once I started kissing his neck, he turned us around so he was against the wall. I got to a spot behind Newt's ear. He threw his head back and let out a groan when I touched it with my lips. I smirked and kept going, just like Newt did.

"Nora.." Newt trailed off. He turned his head so I wouldn't have much access to his neck anymore. He started kissing my lips instead. My breaths were starting to turn heavy, my face bright red, and my legs tightly wrapped around Newt's waist. Newt's hand managed to get in my hair, which was tangled and messy by now. His chest moved up and down quickly, I could feel it as our torsos pressed together.

Newr hummed through another deep kiss as I moved my hand on his back. Without realizing it, my nails dug into his skin, probably leaving more marks.

"Logan!" Someone whisper-yelled from outside. Newt and I stopped right in our tracks and looked at each other, confused.

"Stop standing on my toes, Thomas!" Someone who sounded like Minho whispered.

"This was your idea, Minho! If they get mad at us for catching them, then I blame you!"

"How do we even know they're not just asleep right now?"

"Yeah, Minho. You tell us. And I don't really feel the need to see a couple doing stuff!"

I unwrapped my legs from Newt and walked over to the door. Newt gave me a nod and I opened it. Logan, Minho, and Thomas stood right in front of the door. Thomas's mouth fell open as the flashlight in his hands almost dropped onto the floor.

"Can we help you again, Thomas?" Newt asked, but this time less innocent. Rather snappy.

None of the boys replied. They just stared. I figured out our hair was messy, our lips swollen, and our faces bright red.

"What do you want?" I snapped. "You interrupted."

"Yeah... I can see that." Minho planted a grin on his face.

"Why were you sneaking in on us?" Newt asked.

"We weren't- okay, maybe we were." Minho sighed.

"You know Minho and Logan." I started, looking at the two boys. "If you really want Newt to give you a lesson on how to kiss a girl properly, you can also just ask him." I joked, but the boys their faces dropped.

"That was a nice one," Newt whispered. "Now, you boys.. mind leaving us alone? We are busy."

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