Chapter 42 - Beach

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A little bit of a fluff warning :)


Newt and I were allowed to leave the Med Hut if we would be careful, so we immediately did.

"It was so cold at night and now I'm getting a sunburn!" I announced as Newt and I walked on the beach. The sun was burning on my face, but it was comfortable.

Newt turned his head to look at me. "I think for someone who nearly died yesterday, that you're looking quite good."

I smiled as my cheeks turned red. "Well, thank you. You too."

"And your clothes," Newt added. "They look beautiful on you."

I looked down at my clothes. White shorts and a dark blue top. Sleeveless. My scars were exposed, but I learned to get over them better. Of course, it was hard, but I still did it.

God, how sweet can he be?!

"You think?" My face flushed red.

"Mhm." Newt grabbed my hand, our finger intertwining. "I think you should wear your own clothes more often instead of mine."

"But yours are much more comfortable!" I argued.

"That's not what I mean." Newt chuckled. "I mean that your own clothes look better on you. I ain't saying mine don't look good on you, but things of your own size are better."

"But your clothes are wider." I paused. "My clothes are tight."

"Exactly." Newt grinned.

My mouth fell open. "Ooh!" I gave Newt an offended glance. "Pervert!"

"I'm not a pervert. I'm telling the truth and that's not just because those are tighter. Your own clothes look better on you. More... you."

I frowned but smiled lightly. "Alright, Mr. Stylist."

Newt laughed out loud, his eyes turning smaller. My heart melted at the sight. How can someone be cute and handsome at once?

"You know what would be nice?" Newt suddenly asked. I gave him a questioning look. "A bathroom attached to our hut."

"A bathroom attached to our hut?" I repeated. My eyebrows furrowed. Was this what Newt thought about?

"Yes." Newt was sure of his case. "There are just a few showers in the Safe Haven, all shared by two hundred people, maybe more. And the toilets and sinks too. They stink and are dirty."

"Now you can feel what I went through in the Glade." I joked, thinking about how unsanitary the boys were.

"I'm not kidding!" Newt defended. "Plus, you can spend hours getting ready without anyone waiting for you."

"I don't need to spend hours getting ready, lizard." I smiled.

"But still! Wouldn't that be nice? And you could shower as long as you want, stock all kinds of soap in there... all of that!"

"If you know a way to convince Gally or literally anyone else in the Safe Haven to build us a bathroom, sure." I simply responded.


My eyes opened wider. "That was a joke, Newt."

"I want a bathroom." Newt sternly said. I almost burst out laughing, but Newt seemed serious.

He for sure does want one. But it's not necessary. Though it would be nice...

"We'll see." I chuckled. For a few seconds, we were silent and enjoyed the sound of waves crashing onto rocks, birds whistling, and just walking next to each other.

"Now that we are here anyways, without someone interrupting. I want to get to know you better." Newt explained.

"But you know me."

"I don't know everything." Newt paused. "What's your favorite color?"

"You know what it is," I said, looking at Newt's hair.

"Don't you dare say it." Newt cutely threatened. "I will throw you in the sea."

"No, you won't." I simply said. "My favorite color is yellow. Like your-."

Newt cut me off by pressing his large hand on my mouth. A muffled noise of mine came out, but that was it. "Don't say it," Newt said. "I thought yellow was a joke and that your favorite color was somethin' else, to be honest."

I looked up at him, my eyes meeting his. Slowly I leaned in, trying to hide a grin since my plan was working. Newt removed his hand and leaned in too, ready to kiss.

"Yellow like your hair." I blurted out, before running further onto the beach.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Newt yelled. Eventually, he caught up with me since it was hard to run through the sand. Newt grabbed my legs and threw me over his shoulder.

"Newt!" I hit with my arms everywhere. "I'm gonna fall!"

"Drama queen." Newt kept walking with me still on his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I resisted, but couldn't help a smile. Newt laughed and put me down on the ground.

"What is your favorite color?" I wondered.

"Also yellow," Newt answered. "And NOT like my hair."

"Ssshh!" I suddenly said, holding my arm out so Newt would stop walking. "Look." I pointed at the corner of a big rock.

"Is that..." Newt started.

"It is."

Minho and someone who looked exactly like Mivy, were in a very intense position, kissing.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I quietly cheered. "Finally!"

"Maybe we should leave them alone," Newt suggested. "Let's go, love."

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