Chapter 45 - Great

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Once Newt and I sat down for breakfast, Minho grinned deeply. Thomas stared at us, cheeks turning slightly red. Logan just kept on eating.

"Uhm, Nora." Thomas nervously started. "You got a little-." He trailed off and motioned at his neck. "Some... marks?"

My face turned a deep red, but Newt wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, kissing my cheek.

"Are y'all gonna be this sticky, over the top, couple right now?" Minho sighed.

Offended I looked at him. "Take over our good example and go treat Mivy a little better." I sternly said.

Minho rolled his eyes and kept eating.

"You too, Logan," I added.

"Alright, alright, we get it, Nora. Newt is the perfect boyfriend, blah, blah, blah.. but we're not Newt, okay?" Minho snapped.

Alright. He had a point. Though his comment hurt me a bit. I started it. I reminded myself. So don't act stupid when he says something mean back.

I thought Minho was done, but he wasn't.

"We don't have this... experience you guys have. We don't have a relationship since the shuckin' Glade. We were a little too busy with escaping that hellhole, you know? Not kissing and falling in love!" Minho paused, anger flushing into his face. I had never seen him in that state and I was a little shocked by it, especially when Minho started to stand up for Thomas, who had nothing to do with it in the first place.

"And don't you realize it triggers Thomas that you just say he has to get someone else? He lost Teresa! He was in love with her too, Nora. What would it feel like to you when Newt died and someone else goes say things like that? Or when they go act like this right in front of your face? You never even ask Thomas about Teresa, or what it was like for him! You never talk about Chuck to him, but Chuck was Thomas his best friend too, okay? It hurts him just as much! And in the meanwhile, Thomas tries to help you, tells you he knows what it can feel like to have visions, nightmares, stuff like that.. you don't even care! You say you don't have that 'stupid disorder' of his and don't even dare to ask him if he is okay. And I know that because I'm a great friend and Thomas tells me that voluntary! Now YOU go follow the example." Minho took a deep breath before he continued.

"Logan too! He tries to help you, you don't listen, resist and pull away. You know he has issues with anger, but you don't even try to help! You just kept resisting and when Logan accidentally hurts you, he gets blamed, while you could also just listen! But no, Nora doesn't want help. She never wants help from anyone. Not even Newt! Lies about sleeping, being 'okay', harming herself... and for what? We all know you're NOT okay, but you won't admit it! You don't ask for help and once we TRY to help you, you resist! What kind of way of communication is that? Then you're happy for a few days, something happens, and boom, your mood changes again. So if you would finally just talk to us about yourself and not our way of treating someone, or doing something that sounds wrong in your ears, that would be very nice. Thank you!"

My breathing just stopped for a second, goosebumps all over my body, and tears almost forming in my eyes. What Minho just said was... I don't even know.

With his chest moving up and down faster than usual, Minho stared at me. So did the others.

My body shrunk as I bit my lip, tasting blood in my mouth. I didn't know what to say. No sound came out of my mouth.

"Good job, man!" Newt jumped into action.

Oh, shuck. This is not gonna end well.

"That was not necessary!" Newt got up from his seat. Minho did too. "Do not talk to her like that!"

"Oh, there Newt is again. The protective boyfriend. But it's true Newt and you know it! Don't act like you don't know it! Just tell her your own thoughts for once! Your point of view and your opinion on the way she acts!" Minho raised his voice.

Newt started to argue, but I couldn't even understand it anymore. I felt like I had to do something, but instead, I just buried my head in my hands and pulled my hair lightly. The yells around me got blurred, but I did feel someone putting their hand on my back.

"It's okay, Nora." Liana's voice echoed in my ears.

"No, no." I cried and shook my head. "It's not okay. Minho is right."

"Nor-." Liana cut herself off. "Newt!" She screamed and ran over to the boy. I didn't bother to look at what happened, but from the noises, it sounded like Minho and Newt got pretty violent.



A/N: Well... Minho did have a point 🤷‍♀️
There the drama is again 🤗

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