Chapter 32 - Talks

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Newt's POV

All of it was so hectic. I was bloody worried about Nora when I left our hut, but I couldn't see her. She was scared of me, or the Crank she saw. It made me sad, almost heartbroken.

After what seemed like hours, Minho walked out of our hut. "She calmed down." He sighed and sat down next to me on the bench. "Thomas is with her. Do you mind?"

"I trust him." I simply responded.

"What did y'all mean with another hallucination?" Minho wondered. "Did this happen before?"

I sighed hesitantly but decided to tell Minho anyways. "After Nora got attacked by the Crank, she kept seeing him when she closed her eyes. And yesterday she told me..." I took a breath. It hurt me so much to even mention it, but I was also very proud of Nora since she slept again. "She told me she hadn't slept for six days."

Minho stared at me in disbelief. "Six?" He repeated.

I nodded. "Apparently she was with Thomas someday and she suddenly saw a Crank, but Thomas didn't see anyone. It was the first hallucination. A few days later, Nora heard music, but there was no music. Thomas wanted to take her to the doctor, but she resisted. Logan got mad and grabbed her wrist."

Anger rose in my chest when I mentioned it. I hadn't shown my anger about Logan hurting Nora yet, but I was angry. Very angry. He couldn't just hurt my girlfriend! And the fact Nora forgave him so easily, made it worse. But she was so kind, but I thought Logan had to get at least a punishment.

"He squeezed so hard it is completely blue now. The doctor said it was broken or bruised."

"Wow." Minho sighed. "That's a lot."

"I think something is seriously wrong after she got attacked, Minho," I explained. Just then Thomas walked over to us. "Hey! Don't you need to stay with Nora? She's all alone in there. Something could happen!" I immediately argued.

Thomas didn't reply and sat down too. "I don't think it's another hallucination."

"What?" I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Hallucinations are when you imagine something that isn't there. You were there, Newt. So I'm not sure if it was a hallucination or something else." Thomas said, looking at mostly me.

"But I was not a Crank. So she still imagined something." I scrunched my eyebrows and rubbed my chin.

"We should get her to the doctor tomorrow," Thomas suggested.

"I don't think she wants that." I sighed.

"Then we will just get her there ourselves."

"I'm never going to force Nora to do stuff again." I immediately replied. "If she does not want to go to the doctor, then she won't go. The last time Logan tried to bring her there, Nora resisted and kept pulling back. Logan bruised her wrist only because of that. I think she really doesn't want to go to the doctor, otherwise, she could've just gone with Logan."

"We'll see." Thomas straightened his back.

"Can I go to her?" I carefully asked.

"She's asleep now, but I guess you can. I'll go with you, though." Thomas responded. I nodded and we got up.

"Night," Minho said, before walking off to his own hut.

A bit nervous I followed Thomas into the hut, wondering how Nora would react. But as Thomas said, she was asleep. "Did you give her one of the pills?" I whispered. Thomas nodded.

Nora's legs and arms were tightly wrapped around a pillow. It reminded me of how we lay sometimes. Her mouth was slightly open and her breaths were steady. I never knew how much I could even admire her while she slept. How perfect could someone be?

"I think she'll be okay." Thomas interrupted the peaceful silence, making me jump.

"Can I lie next to her?" I looked at Thomas, who hesitated. "She won't wake up in a few hours because she had a pill," I added.

Thomas sighed. "Fine."

I smiled lightly and walked over to Nora. Gently I pulled the pillow out of her arms, causing her to let out a small wince. After that, I lay down in the place of the pillow. Immediately Nora's arms and legs clenched around me as she seemed less tense. I slid my hand into Nora's beautiful hair and slowly moved it before falling asleep myself.


"Newt." Nora shook my body lightly, trying to wake me up.

"Hmm?" I groaned and opened my eyes, looking right into Nora's pretty ones. "Hey, love." I tried not to talk about the incident of yesterday too fast.

Nora's bottom lip started to shake, letting me know she already knew what happened last night. "I'm so sorry." Nora cried, tears already falling down her cheeks. "I didn't know it was you. I thought it was him! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, it was just a stupid dream or whatever."

I felt so bad for her. "It's okay, love. You didn't hurt me." I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her closer. "You don't have to apologize."

"But I tried to hurt you!" Nora sobbed.

"Didn't succeed." I chuckled, trying to cheer the girl up a bit.

Nora smiled through her tears as she lifted herself out of the bed. She muttered something under her breath I didn't understand.

"What were you saying?"

Nora spun around. "I didn't say anything." She replied, too fast. I frowned, but let go of it.
"Can I work again? I got nothing else to do."

"If you think you can do it and you're completely healed, except for your wrist. Then you can work."

"Yes! Thank you." Nora made a little jump before getting dressed. I smiled at her excitement and got ready myself too.


"I'll go with you," I told Nora after breakfast. She agreed, so together we stood in line to find out what Nora's job would be.

"Do you need to work?" Nora quietly asked. I did notice she acted a bit differently after the incident from yesterday.

"Not today," I replied. "Your turn." I put my hand on the girl's back and gently pushed her toward Vince.

He said something to Nora before talking to the others again. Nora turned around with her face paler than ever, mouth slightly open, and a frightened look in her eyes.

"It's hunting." She gasped.

My heart broke into pieces at her sadness. "You don't have to hunt, love. We'll get you another job."

Nora carefully nodded and watched me walk over to Vince. After about two minutes, I walked back again. "You can go Cooking or take a day off."

"I'll go Cooking, thank you."

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