Chapter 55 - My Happy Ending

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A few days later, all the Gladers that were left sat around a small bonfire we made. Chuck's wooden figure was in my hands, I fidgeted with it and thought about all the good memories I had.

Chuck, obviously. The way he always cheered me up, was enthusiastic, talked our heads off, but was secretly smart.. everything about him made me sad and happy at once.

"I wish Chuck was here," I whispered for only Newt, who sat next to me on the log, to hear.

"And Alby." He whispered back. "Winston, the Med-Jacks.."

I smiled at the thought of my old friends, but also turned somber. "I miss them."

"I know, love." Newt grabbed my hand. "I miss them too." He paused. "Come on."

Newt gently pulled me with him. I asked him where we were going, but he wouldn't respond and just kept walking toward our hut, the nervousness and also excitement forming in me.

Newt stopped in front of the door and turned around. "Since I know you don't like to be in the woods at night, and so do I.. I did it inside." He explained. "Hopefully we won't burn down our whole hut."

Then he opened the door, a warm glow making his eyes twinkle. I gasped.

Dozens of white candles were placed around the hut, all lighting up. Even a few roses lay next to them. The familiar smell of vanilla, but also the roses entered my nose as the candles gave a comfortable mood.
It took my breath away for a second.

"Wow." I breathed out. "It's beautiful."

"Do you like it?" Newt took my hands and lead me into our hut.

"I love it." We sat down on our bed.

"We still owed a date." Newt lowered his voice and leaned his back against the wall.

"It's amazing." I smiled brightly, cheeks turning red at Newt's caring again.

The rest of the night Newt and I talked about stories that happened in the Glade, laughed, also kissed, and just had a good time. He made me so happy, always.

Eventually, we decided to tuck it in for the night. I lay down with my head on Newt's chest and he wrapped his arms around me. Hearing Newt's heartbeat was comfortable and relaxing to me.

"You're doing very good, love." Newt suddenly said, gently stroking my back. "You haven't harmed yourself for such a long time. I'm proud of you."

"I think I can be proud of myself too," I admitted, finally after months of hating myself, I got some self-love.

Newt smiled even brighter. "Finally."

I laughed and moved even closer to him if it was possible. "I love you, Newt."

"I love you, Nor. So much." Newt whispered.

"To the moon and back," I added, the corners of my mouth turning up. "So much."

"To the moon and back," Newt assured. "I love you." He repeated.

"I love you too."

Since the moment we got together in the Glade, I never doubted our relationship. Of course, there had been some fights and issues, but we made it, together. We saved each other, but I especially felt like Newt saved me.

He was my happy ending.


A/N: This is the last actual chapter of the Redamancy series! Thank you all so much for everything! I really appreciate it ❤️ There will be some epilogues and a last goodbye soon! ❤️

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