Chapter 51 - Swimming

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A/N: 51 chapters, yay! Should I write a lot more or does it need to come to an end?


As Newt and I walked over the sand, toward the sea, he wrapped his arm firmly around my waist and pulled me closer to him, making me feel protected. I wore my yellow bikini and Newt his plain black bathing suit. My cheeks turned slightly red when I saw him shirtless again. The biceps were still very visible, can't blame me.

I noticed Logan and Liana already in the sea. Logan had two scars on his back. One from his past and one from a Griever. It made me feel like I wasn't the only one. Liana wore a beautiful bright pink bikini with white dots on it, and the cuts on her wrist were also visible.

"Nor!" She cheerfully yelled as she ran over to me, looking at my body. "It looks beautiful on you! Nice size, perfect color," she glanced at Newt and chuckled. "Perfect!"

"Thanks, Lia. Yours is amazing too!" I laughed.

"Boo!" Someone put their hands on my shoulders and twisted me around. Mivy.

My mouth fell open. "Wow." I gasped and looked at her bikini. It was a dark red, quite revealing one, but Mivy was made for it. It fitted her perfectly.

Minho grinned and wrapped an arm around Mivy. "Now that is my girl." He proudly said. Then he turned to look at my bikini. "Looks nice on you, Nor."

"Thanks, Min." I smiled.

"Min?" Minho repeated. "I'm not sure if I like that name."

"It's better than Mean Hoe." Mivy giggled. "I'll call you Min."

"Min with a grin," Newt commented.

"Nah, ah, ah. We're not calling me that." Minho shook his head. "Just Min, yellow-haired boy."

"Thank you very much, Nora." Newt sighed, but his eyes twinkled.

"You guys coming or what?" Logan yelled from in the sea. Just when the others ran away and I was about to follow, I saw Thomas walk over to us.

"Hey, Thomas." I smiled and walked over to him. Thomas wore a blue bathing suit. Blue was definitely his color, he wore it almost every day! A small, round scar was on his side, from when Rat Man shot him, in his leg another round, from when he stung himself with the Griever's stinger, and other scars from things that happened.

Thomas stared at me too for a few seconds, but then, to my surprise, wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tight hug. I hugged back.

"It's really good that you wear this, Nor." Thomas quietly said.

"You too," I replied.

"It looks good on you." Thomas paused. "But I'm very sorry about this."

"About wha- Thomas!" I screamed when he suddenly lifted me up and ran over to the sea. "Thomas! Let me go!" I kicked with my feet, but before I knew it Thomas threw me into the water. My body got wet and I accidentally drank some of the salty water before I gasped for air. I coughed loudly, spitting out the water that got in my mouth.

"You're gonna regret trying to drown Nora!" Newt jumped on top of Thomas, who had a grin on his face. I laughed as the two boys kept pushing each other underwater. Soon Minho and Logan followed.

Minho pushed Newt's head under water, who was just about to attack Logan. Thomas jumped on Minho's back and together they got underwater. It was absurd, but quite funny.

After a few minutes, Newt swam over to me. I giggled and pushed him underwater, quickly swimming away after I did. Newt gasped for air and moved his hair out of his face, then swam after me.

I put a hand on my mouth to cover my laughs. Newt smiled and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Aren't you gonna drown if I sit like this?" I wondered.

"I'm standing on the sand, love," Newt assured with a small smile. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds, I nodded.

One of my hands was put on the back of Newt's head when he leaned in and kissed me passionately. Slowly the other hand trailed onto his chest.

Newt pulled me even closer to him, bodies pressing together, lips moving in sync. I felt awesome until Thomas interrupted.

"Guys! Come on! Are you serious? I can't handle watching three couple kiss in front of me! I'm like the seventh wheel now!"

I giggled but ignored Thomas and connected my lips with Newt's again, who gladly responded. Newt moved one of his hands down to my waist instead of my back, sending tingles all over my body.

It was great, but then I suddenly felt something under me move. "A fish!" I screamed as I got off Newt, whose face turned bright red for some reason I didn't understand.

Quickly I swam to the surface, scared of whatever weird creatures were in the water. Liana and Mivy soon followed. The three of us lay down on the beach and watched the other boys starting to fight again.

"NEWT!" Minho suddenly screamed. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!"

Confused I glanced at the other girls.

"What you felt was NOT a fish, Nora!" Minho yelled just before Newt pushed him underwater.

"He's lying!" Newt yelled once he got up again.

Minho pushed Newt underwater. "I'm not! I felt it!"

"Was it a shark?" I asked.

Minho stared at me in disbelief. "A shark?" He scoffed. "No, Nora! Think for a second!"

I shrugged and let go of it. A nice sun warmed up the air, making it possible for me to go sunbathe. Liana and Mivy followed my example.

"Newt, stop it!" Minho screamed.

"I'm not doing anything!"

"You know what you're doing! Control yourself, Jesus!"

"It's a fish, Minho!"

"Yeah, sure! It's not like I can see what you're doing, am I right?"

I ignored the boys and turned to Liana, who started to talk. "I think we should have a sleepover again. We can prank the boys, gossip, and tell more stories about our past... stuff like that.

"Sounds fun." I smiled.

"Let's do it." Mivy decided.

"NEWT! I swear to god get away from me! I do NOT want to feel that fish of yours again!" Minho screamed for the last time.

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