Chapter 10 (back to school)

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>Amber's POV<

The rest of the group used the downstairs bathrooms to get ready, so Tara and I went upstairs to get ready instead.

"You ready to go back?" Tara asked.

"Can I be honest?" I responded.

"I know it kinda sucks but we will finish this and be done with high school." Tara said, applying her eye liner.

"Yeah, I guess."

I was kinda just stuck in my own head. Part of me wanted to continue living my life and be normal. Then there's the other part of me that remembers what getting stabbed and shot feels like.

I brushed my hair and put on a little makeup before throwing on a black mini skirt, dark blue top, and a black Jean jacket.

Maybe a confident outfit would make me feel better, I thought. Tara went to get dressed and came back in a pink slim fit button up top and mom jeans and, of course, her ankle boot. Her hair was in a low bun with her bangs out, and her face was perfect as always.

"You look cuteee." She complemented me.

"Thank you, I guess I'm just tryna build confidence again. You look adorable too, baby." I said lowly.

She gave a slight frown before grabbing my face and giving me a kiss. "Hey, we're all gonna be with you." She said

"I don't understand how you're ready." I replied.

"I'm not, I just think if we keep waiting to be ready, we'll never do it."

"You're probably right." I said.

She stroked my face softly. "You look really pretty in that skirt, by the way." She winked.

I blushed and smiled, and she kissed my red face.

"There's my favorite smile." She said.

"Only because of you."

"If I can help, I will." She replied.

We got our bags and walked downstairs, ready to go out.
Chad was driving us.

"It's gonna be weird." Mindy said. "Being back."

"Yeah, it was nice to pretend this shit didn't exist for a while." I replied.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. I guess we all had nerves about going back.

I had a few classes with some of the group, but Tara and I had the same schedule.

I walked with Tara to our lockers to put away my backpack and get my books. I guess Tara noticed my sad expression.

"Hey, sad face." She whispered, peeking at me adorably through her locker.

I laughed. She was indeed making this day slightly easier for me.

"I'm not sad." I said.

"Tellin fibs." She said before hugging me. "We'll get through today together."

And that we did, we had three classes before we were able to meet the group in the court yard and  hang out.

"So, how has everyone's day been so far?" Chad asked, breaking the silence.

"Long." Mindy said.

"I feel like I've been in this building for a week already." I replied.

"I talked to our counselor." Liv said.

"About?" Tara asked.

"About our schooling, I mean what we went through wasn't anything minor. All of us were in the hospital." Liv said.

"Yeah, I'm surprised we all made it." Chad said.

"What about our schooling, though?" I pressed, still interested in the topic.

"Well, there's a virtual option for us considering our trauma and the fact that some of us are still healing." Liv explained.

"Virtual?" Miny said.

"Yeah, like computer assignments, so we don't have to actually be here." Liv said.

"Honestly, say less. I'm doing it." I said.

"Same, honestly." Mindy replied.

"Wait, guys, it's only our first day back." Tara said.

"Yeah, Tara, but honestly, before all this happened, I still hated coming here." Liv said.

The group nodded in agreement.

"So you're not coming to school?" Tara asked, looking at me.

"Well, I've made it clear that I hate it here. Are you surprised?" I replied.

"That's why we were gonna do it together." Tara said in a sad voice.

"The virtual option just seems easier, easier work, more sleep, no waking up at 5am, maybe I'll be less depressed and tired, I'm sorry baby." I explained in a soft tone.

"Oh, okay." Tara said, looking down.

The rest of the group had already broken into several conversations. But I couldn't focus on any because I could tell Tara's feelings were hurt.

I held her hand and kissed it. She looked at me with her pretty doe eyes,  they had a hint of sadness.

"I know you wanted to do this together, baby. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm bailing." I said.

"No, I get I'm just, I'm rushing for things to get back to normal. That's not realistic. Maybe we can do home schooling together instead." She said.

I snuck a kiss, and she smiled.

"I didn't mean to make you sad, little bear. I'm just not ready, you know." I explained.

"You didn't hurt me, I just overreact sometimes." She replied.

She got up carefully and sat between my legs before leaning back into me as I hugged her.

"It's ok, don't beat yourself up. You're perfect."

The rest of the day seemed to go by faster. I somehow convinced my parents to let me go back to Tara's house.

We got home, took off our school clothes, and put on big T-shirts to nap in and lay in Tara's bed.

"Hey." She whispered.

"Hey." I whispered back.

We were face to face in her bed under her blankets when she said. "Whatever you wanna do, I wanna support you, I hope you know that."

"I appreciate that." I said.

We hugged each other and didn't let go. Just fell asleep just like that.

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