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"damn it old man you didn't have to beat me that hard" i said as i packed for my great escape. i would be faking my death next week. this night i would be going to the bar i found that allowed heros and villains. as i left my house out the window in my room i heard Shoto start to cry in the other room. 

when i got to the bar i saw fourteen year old pro hero Hawks and i walked over to him. "i didn't think the famous hawks would be here" i said in a sour tone and he looked at me. "Endvours son" he said equally sour. "you do your homework anyway wanna sit with me 'cuz its not like your gonna sit with the old people." i say with a small smirk. "sure but i'm payn'" he said and i was okay with that. but talkin led to drinking to much, and that led to having, well, sex.

when we woke up we said sorry and left for the rest of our lives.

(so sorry that this is cringe this is an omegaverse never done one before so don't hate the rest of the chapters are thought out and not random like this one was enjoy pls)

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