14. first day screams

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it was my first day of U.A and i was happy, i got to leave the house. i had asked mamagiri to warp me to school but he made the valid point that i have wings and i can fly. so i flew to U.A were i found bitch-might waiting at the gates. "HELLO YOUNG TAKAMI I AM HERE TO SHOW YOU TO CLASS" he yelled as i landed on the ground next to him. "move it bitch-might i don't need your help" i said and i walked past him not looking back. once i got o my class i saw someone scolding Kat "aww look at the cute cuple" i thought. "QUIET!!!" i yelled covering myself with flames. everyone  (not my friend group) went quiet. "that means you too i don't care if ya'll family" i say calming down and taking my seat. they stop talking right away. "yoo, uncle P wake yo ass up and teach us" i say and uncle P pops up. " i will not have you wake me up-" he started "unless you have your coffee" i said sending feathers down to give him his coffee. i get a glare from Hitoshi so i send him his and he smiles at me. (first day goes as cannon with Ash being first{watch MHA to find out}) after all the training we did we got to go home. when i got home i saw father yelling at Rumi and the other way around. i quickly put feathers over their mouths. "why the fuck are you fighting?" i asked and let Rumi speak. "hun he found out that you know your dad and have a sister and now is wanting to kill her." Rumi said. "YOU FUCK-TARD YOU WILL HAVE TO GET THROUGH ME BEFORE YOU GET MILO" i yelled. i walked up to him and took my phone back and turned around only to see mamagiri had come. "i have to get your family young one" he said. "no let me kill this bastard myself." i said and i covered myself in my blue flames, that slowly turned red, that slowly turned black and i wasn't even burning. "thats it i have to get the family" he said and then he warped them in and told them. "YOU will not threaten my family over-grown chicken" dad said as papa carefully came over to me to calm me down. 

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