3. can we talk?

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i take a deep breath and open the door to the privet room that my dad was in. once the door opened i could see that the people inside just...... stopped talking to look at me. i used my feathers to give them their drinks and sat down with my bottle and a glass. "your cute" the girl i locked eyes with earlier that night said. my face went red then i took a sip of my drink and looked at dad. "how old are you" a crusty looking man said. "fourteen. fifteen next week" i said not taking my eyes of of dad. the entire time i was getting a glare from crusty then the girl said something in his ear and he stopped glaring at me. after about fifteen minutes of staring and sipping i said something, "did you know?" i asked my dad and he seamed to know what i was going on about. "no" he said and i sighed. "it's gonna be a long night"  i thought. "what's your name cutie" the girl asked. "Ash Takami-Todoroki," i responded, "yours?" i said looking at crusty and the girl. "Himiko Toga" she said in a bubbly way. "Tomura Shiggaraki" crusty said with an eye roll. "right so, Crusty and Bubbly" i said making dad laugh and Bubbly pout. "you sound to much like him....i don't need another him around" Crusty said. "OIIII whats that supposed to mean babe?!" dad yelled and i burst out laughing with him. so far our talk was going well.

"hey can we get back on track here dabi YOUR KID just showed up out of nowhere!!! and shes' cute but still!!!" Bubbly said. "for once i agree with bloody marry...well not the cute part but still" is what came out of crusty. after we calmed down dad looked at me. "keigo" he said and i nodded. "hold up i need to text the bunny" i said and they looked at me confused. "Mirko is my step mom. like father is ever gonna let me come here?" i say sarcasticly. "i call her Rumi her real name. but she is the best. i need to tell her i will be spending the night at uncles so she wont get worried." i said pulling out my phone to text her.

Ash:#hey rumi i'm spending the night at uncles also i found 'him'#

Rumi:#you did and okay just be back around five in the morning also text me if anything pops up#

Ash:#okay night#

Rumi:#night kiddo#

"okay i'm done" i tell everyone. "since your done can we talk about....well....you?" dad said and i got stars in my eyes as i said yes. "favorite color?" dad asked. "black and green" "animal?" "bear" "thing?" "anime" "sexuality?" "bi and she/her" "style?" "oversized black stuff and crop-tops" "quirks?" "brain-wash, advanced hellflame, and fierce wings" "hero?" "eraserhead" "villain?" ".....Mr.Compress" "....normal human?" "uncle Leo and Rumi" "best friend?" "Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku" "ah okay last question what do you want to be?" "hero but i have no intention of rating you out to the heros or them out to you i just.... wanna be a hero" "okay" that is how our talk went. 

"tomorrow school lets out for the summer if i'm correct" Crusty said in a up-to-something tone of voice. "yeah and i have nothing to do over the summer it's gonna be soooo~ boring" i respond back and he smirks. "how about you stay with us over the summer?" Crusty said. "wait what- really??!!" i ask in aw. "yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! can you please your my age so we could have so much fun together!" bubbly almost yells. "sure i just need to ask Rumi if i can stay over 'cuz i know she'll say yes v.s if i ask father he'll say no." i say pulling out my phone once more.

Ash:#can i stay with them for the summer they asked PLEASE#

Rumi:#yeah i'll pack your stuff i know where the list of "important cloths and items for vacations" is so all you have to do is come and get your bag#

Ash:#thank you so much also i'll be bringing someone with me so i know were to go once we leave#

Rumi:#okay kiddo, are they your age?#

Ash:#yup see you tomorrow Rumi love you~#

Rumi:#you as-well kiddo#

after that i put my phone away. "she said yes and that she'll be packing my stuff so all i have to do is pick it up and i get to skip the last day of school!" i said very happy. "eeeeeeeeeeeeek!" Bubbly said as she ran over to me and hugged me. "hey bubbly i'll need you to come with me so i can know were to go" i said just as she let go of me. "okie can't wait" after that dad and Crusty left and i told uncle what happened and why Bubbly was with me. he agreed and then me and Bubbly went upstairs so we could go to bed. as soon as we hit the bed in my room that uncle saves for me we were out like a light but then an hour later i woke up, set an alarm for five-thirty, and went back to sleep.

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