8. dinner

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i'ts been two days since i got the letter meaning today is the day i meet grandpa. i take a deep breath then i get my cloths on. "and were are you going?" father asks and i freeze. "i'm eating out with my friends" i say and i here a sigh. "okay be back by eleven-thirty" father says. "yes sir" i respond. i walk to the alleyway that bubbly always takes me to. "mamagiri can you send them through a portal?" i say to the darkness. just then i see a flash of purple then i she my girlfriend and dads walk out of the dark and greet me. we quickly show off our outfits then start walking to G-P's house.


 Ash^^^(without chain on the shirt)

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 Ash^^^(without chain on the shirt)

 Ash^^^(without chain on the shirt)

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toga^^^^ (minus the scarf, bag and coat)

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toga^^^^ (minus the scarf, bag and coat)

before we knocked we took a deep breath and i held on to bubbly's had as did dad to papa. *knock knock* dad knocked on the door. The door opened and i saw a girl with white hair and red streaks almost brake down. "T-touya-nii" she said and i saw dad gain a soft smile on his face. "Yumi how are you" he said back. "good" she replied and stepped aside to let us in the really big house. "you must be Ash. i am Fuyumi, nice to meet you" she said to me. "like-wise" i said back and she looked at dad. "she is you with wings brother" she said and we all laughed. we followed her into what looked like the living room. (i don't know the lay out of his house and i don't plan on learning it). i saw eight people one of which was grandpa. i latched onto bubbly's arm and looked down because everyone was watching me. i get a nuge from papa. "hunny introduce yourself and i would be less akward" papa said and i gave him a shy smile and bubbly kissed my head. "h-hello my name is Ash Takami-Todoroki" i said before hiding my head in bubbly's neck. "hi my name is Himiko Toga" bubbly said with a wave. "hello my name is Tomura Shiggaraki, though now it's Todoroki because we got married over the summer." papa said. "ya'll all know me well maybe not Shoto and Hitoshi you guys were infants when i left. so i guess hi my name is Touya and i'm your big brother/cousin." dad said. i took my head out of bubbly's neck as we went to the table so we could eat. "hi i'm hitoshi yamda-aizawa your cousin but uh what's your quirk?" he asked and i could feel that he turned his quirk on. i got a paper and wrote, "turn off your quirk" he listened and turned it off. "my quirks are, fierce wings, brainwash, and advanced hell-flame though the color of my flames are the same color as dads" i said making hitoshi pale. "is that how you could feel my quirk?" he asked and i shook my head. "no my wings are really sensitive so i can feel that" i tell him and he looks at me in aw.then i relised something. his last name was part Aizawa meaning that Eraserhead was my uncle. i turned to him with stars in my eyes and papa said something. "hey hun don't be to much of a fan we are still at dinner" he said to me and dad laughed. "come on she just relised that her favorite hero was her great uncle" dad said. "y-y-your eraser-head!!!!" i say and he looks embaressed. "oh ehem-" i clear my throught, "sorry about that it's just wow" i say. i get handed a bowl of cold soba from grandma. "thank you i've never tried cold soba before" i say blankly and the entire family looks at me. "hi im shoto i guess i'm your uncle which honestly is to weird to admit but thats not the point yousure you have never had cold soba before?" he asked me and i nodded. "well damn take a bite this shit is our life line and you've never had it!" he says. "shoto languege" grandpa said. "japanese, now eat" he said and i nodded. i took one bite and it tastes like hevan. i gulp down the entire bowl before everyones' eyes. "more please grandma" i ask and she nods giving me five bowls at a time. thats when everyone else dug into their food as-well. once we where stuffed i sat down on the couch in the living room. "papa what time is it i think i left my bag at the table?" i ask.  "12:45 why?" and my eyes go wide i rush to the table and grab my bag. "shit shit shit shit" i say and everyone starts looking at me. i tell everyone to be quiet and i fly up to the roof to call father. "father sorry i missed curfew it won't happen again" i say as he gets a angry look on his face. "come back now your grounded and can't leave the house until you get you letter about U.A" i look at him and start to cry. "you did this to yourself, wen you get home give me your phone" he says once again. "y-y-yes s-s-sir" i say before hanging up. i fall to the ground crying as my dads come to me. "hey hey it's okay" papa says to me calmly while dad is looking around for a first aid kit to get a rap to rap around my arm since i fell on it and it's most-likely broken. once he found one he rapped my arm. he and papa stayed at grandpa's house and bubbly walked me home. right before i went in i turned to bubbly and kissed her. "hey bubbly can i call you himi?" i asked and she nodded. "as long as i get to call you Azula it means blue fire in spanish" i smiled quickly and nodded. i walked inside to see dad waiting for me. "phone now Ash" he said and i gave him my phone. "bed" he said glaring down at me. i quickly walked to bed changing into my pjs' and going to sleep- wait no crying myself to sleep after fifteen bottles of scotch were finished.

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