12. baby...what?

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"DAD GET YOUR BURNT ASS DOWN HERE!" i yell and he comes tumbling down the last flight of stairs. "w-what?" he asks me. "your about to have another kid" i tell him pointing at a stressed papa. "babe" dad asks. "i didn't know! i was at the mall walking around and a women comes and says 'um sir if you didn't notice, your water just broke' so then i panic because i gave kurogiri to Ash and like five minutes later she finds me and now we are here" he says in a rush. after fifteen long hours my little sister is born. "i like the name Milo" papa says. "then Milo Todoroki it is" dad says with the biggest smile on his face. "may i show my little sister off to the rest of the family?" i as and the both nod. i slowly pick Milo up and open the door to leave papa and dads room. i quickly put feathers over her ears so i can yell. "SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW" i yell and everyone looks at me. " this is my new little sister Milo Todoroki" i said proudly. shoto came over to me and took a picture of me holding her. he must of sent it to me because i felt a buzz in my pocket. as dad came down he asked shoto if he wanted to hold her. "yes please" he says back. once Milo is in shoto's hands i take a picture and send it to him, that was the good thing. the bad thing is i had fifty-nine calls from dad. i ran into my room to call him. "Ash Takami were the hell are you?" he says. "well first of all i passed out at edevours on the first day then i just helped his friend give birth, other-wise i would've been at home yesterday." i say with sass. "girl~ don't says me! i also don't trust you" he says. i quickly show him that i'm coverd in blood. "proof gave it to you" i say because i would rather be taking care of my little sister. "fake come home and give me the phone-" he says before i hang up on him. i run downstairs to tell everyone what happened. well almost everyone all the adults had gone to bed along with Milo. i warped everyone to their houses before i did mine i shut the door to my room so no one went in it. wen i got home Rumi was trying to stop dad from having a fit. once i gave him my phone i was glad that i was able to send Rumi a picture of Milo and me. in my room i was just staring at a wall till i heard my door open. "hey kiddo it's me can you give more info on who the little one is?" she asked. "my new little sister Milo Todoroki" i saw and i start to tear up. "i was taking care of her and having a fun time when i saw dad called. i- i-" i said before breaking down. Rumi rushed over to me and hugged me as i cried myself to sleep.

 Rumi rushed over to me and hugged me as i cried myself to sleep

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[6yo milo cuz I can't make infants]

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