9. exams

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(hello i am posting today again) 


it was the morning of exams. i had finally came out of my room after four or five days of not coming out of it. i was lucky to have my own bathroom or i wouldn't have survived that... Anyway~ i walked out my room to see father and Rumi stunned to say the least. i waved at them and went back to my room to eat the breakfast i made. when i was done i got a bottle of scotch and stuffed it in my bag. father told me to go without him and he was waiting to see my skill set. little did he know that all i had to do was wait in a waiting room. "HA-" i said as i walked to the alleyway. "mamagiri can you take me to the observation tower at U.A please" i asked as i went into the portal he opened for me. i heard a hum of okay-ness. in a blink of the eye i was at U.A and greeted everyone. "grandpa, shoto, uncle A, hitoshi, uncle P, Nedzu" i said as i bowed. "Ash" they said back as they bowed. i looked to a girl who was one)stunned that i came out a portal. two) called endevour grandpa and eraser-head and present mic uncle. "hello my name is Momo yayarouzu or yayamomo as some people call me" the girl said. "hello my name is Ash Takami-Todoroki i go by my first name though"i said. we shook hands then father came in the door with All might. "father All might" i said in a sour tone. i quickly put feathers around All Might and Fathers ears for a quick second. "yayamomo i am not a todoroki around them understand" i say looking scary and she nods. after that i got a glare from father. " why did i not know that endevour was going to be here?" father asked. "because i am Nedzu and you didn't need to know" Nedzu said. all father did was look mad. "Ash why are you in here you said you didn't want me to recommend you so tell me why your here" he said and i almost broke down crying. Uncle A saw this and said, "i recommended her hawks, calm down." i looked at him with a 'thank you' type of look. "Ash i pulled some strings and was able to get your trainer to come watch." Nedzu said and i knew what he was talking about. "you can come in now Mr.Hiro" Nedzu said again. once dad walked in i ran up and hugged him which made father growl. "oh hello little one i was so happy when i found out you and shoto got recommended" dad said and i looked at him with a 'wtf' look and so did shoto. "Ash come here NOW" father hissed. i looked at dad then to father then i stood by father. the entire time i was talking to hitoshi, shoto, and dad through our heads due to the quirk grandpa gave me. i really wanted himi and papa there to but it was already a strech to get dad here. once the exams where over i ran to Kat and Zuzu. "KAT ZUZU GET OVER HERE NOW!!!" i yell to them so they know where i am. "mr.Hawks i will be taking the kids out to celebrate" i heard dad say but all he got was a grunt in return. once my brothers were over here i told them everything. after we got in his car he asked if i had a make-up wipe and i gave it to him so he could reveal his scars. "mamagiri is it possible for you to get himi and papa in the car?" i say out loud. for an answer himi popped up under me so i was now in her lap and papa landed in dads lap. "ok we are going to my uncles bar also Zuzu every-time i go i preform so do you want to split it up? like i do one song you do one song we both do the last song?" i asked. "yes yes yes yes yes" he said. "oh right Kat Zuzu this is my girlfriend himiko toga, my dad Touya Todoroki or Dabi, and my papa Tomura Todoroki, dad, papa, himi, these two are my brothers not by blood but brothers non the less" i said and hey all said hi. "scar you are so~ a bottom" Kat said with a smirk. "KATSUKI BAKUGOU" i said "oh shit i sorry scar" he said calming me down. "you damn right she is" Himi said. "I will kill you both some-day" i hissed out. himi said sorry after that because she was scared shitless.

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