7. good news (short)

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POV: Ash Takami-Todoroki

when Rumi got home she said she had three letters for me. she handed them to me then i went to my room. as i looked at the first one i saw that it was from Principal Nedzu.  i instantly tore it open and read it.

Dear Ash,

i would just like to say thank you for informing me about your family i told all the top heros (not hawks or all might) and the entire staff here at U.A we will welcome you with open arms. we will not use you to gain info. though there will be limitations to your visits with them once you get into U.A. you can only see them on the weekends. as for your drinking habit at that bar.....try not to get to drunk and come back to campus sober. now your identity as 'lady flame' i think your called in the music world will stay hidden as long as you want with Mr.Midoriya as well

                                                                                                                                       -principal nedzu

i was so happy then i moved on to the next letter witch was apparently from eraser-head.

Dear Ash,

everything nedzu said but one last thing i will be recommending you to my class, class 1-A


i was about to cry. i was his first ever recommendation and i was going to be in his class! Dude this is my favorite hero we are talking about here. then i saw it grandpa had written me. i opened it slowly then i read the note because it was not a formal letter.

Ash it's me this time but please come to my house at (insert address) if he agrees can you bring your dad (my son) and any spouses you have it will just be a dinner if you both agree it will be 6:00 in two days.


when i finished reading the letter i called dad and he said he would come with papa. then i called bubbly and she said she would come. "ahh~ my family is fucked up" i said to myself.

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