5.summer sum-up

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over the past month i've gotten to know dad better. i have also claimed Crusty as my step-dad and now call him papa. the entire time i was there i only went out once to hang out with Kacchan and Deku. dad and papa have gotten me new cloths as-well. they also have one new member to the L.O.V as they call it. father did call on my birthday so everyone had to stay dead silent...well not uncle press or bubbly. then i called Rumi knowing she was most-likely shopping some were. i face-timed her and introduced her to everyone. then dad took my phone to talk to her about something then he gave my phone back and i called uncle Leo and told him that we'd stop by that night, and we did. when we got home i passed out in bubbly's room. i ended up drawing pictures for the new member named, muscular.

 i ended up drawing pictures for the new member named, muscular

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(again i get the pictures from google not mine!!!)

to the end of summer i only had to pack up a small amount of stuff because papa said that i will always have a place at the base/house. i also explained to everyone that i would be sighing up for U.A and they supported me. i mean who thought a room full of villains would do that?!? i wrote a letter but addressed it to Nedzu, the principal of U.A, and explained my family situation and how i didn't want father (hawks) to know. along with that i sent drawings of the following heros: Nedzu, Edevour, Eraser-head, Present Mic, and auntie Nem or Midnight for her hero name. on my last day at the base/house we had a ice-cream party and watched/finished a anime called, (i'm putting it in English 'cuz i can) 'from me to you' and it was so~ cute. before i could go to bed that night bubbly asked me to come to her room. i had no idea why but when i asked she said, "no questions...please." and i was stunned. "did she just say please?!" i thought. once we reached her room she sat on her bed then patted the chunk of bed in-front of her, so i sat down. she looked down and i could tell she was scared of something. when she looked back up her face was a tomato. "cut- Ash i like you do you like me if so will you be my girlfriend?" she said. then it was my turn to become a  tomato. "yes times one thousand bubbly" i said and it was like all the nervousness was washed of her face and was replaced with a cheerful smile.then we kissed it was so sweet, we didn't want to let go, but we agreed not to take it further until we found out our secondary genders. the next day i went home and father scooped me up into a big hug. i told him about my summer minus the rest of the L.O.V and he was happy.then him and Rumi took me shopping for the rest of the day as a late birthday gift. when we got home i went to bed because i had to train for entrance exams that next week. that night i went asleep with a smile on my face imagining dad, papa, all my uncles, Aunt, girlfriend, mamagiri, and G/DFA (grandpa/dad for all) on top of the family i already had and i was loving it.

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